BornAgain  1.18.0
Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence
Distribution and decay function internals

Distribution and decay function interface classes. More...


class  IDistribution1D
 Interface for one-dimensional distributions. More...
class  RangedDistribution
 Interface for one-dimensional ranged distributions. More...
class  IInterferenceFunction
 Pure virtual base class of interference functions. More...
class  IFTDecayFunction1D
 Interface for a one-dimensional decay function, with evaluate(q) returning the Fourier transform, normalized to $\int dq\; {\rm evaluate}(q) = 1$. More...
class  IFTDistribution1D
 Interface for a one-dimensional distribution, with normalization adjusted so that the Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a decay function that starts at evaluate(0)=1. More...
class  IFTDistribution2D
 Interface for two-dimensional distributions in Fourier space. More...

Detailed Description

Distribution and decay function interface classes.