Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence
Fitting internal classes. More...
Classes | |
class | IMinimizer |
Pure virtual interface for all kind minimizers. More... | |
class | MinimizerCatalog |
Hard-coded information about all minimizers available. More... | |
class | AlgorithmInfo |
A name and a description. More... | |
class | MinimizerInfo |
Info about a minimizer, including list of defined minimization algorithms. More... | |
class | MinimizerOptions |
Collection of internal minimizer settings. More... | |
class | GeneticMinimizer |
Wrapper for the CERN ROOT Genetic minimizer. More... | |
class | GSLLevenbergMarquardtMinimizer |
It's a facade to ROOT::Math::GSLNLSMinimizer which, in turn, is a facade to the actual GSL's gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type ( More... | |
class | GSLMultiMinimizer |
Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the GSL multi minimizer family (gradient descent based). More... | |
class | Minuit2Minimizer |
Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the Minuit2 minimizer. More... | |
class | RootMinimizerAdapter |
Pure virtual interface that adapts the CERN ROOT minimizer to our IMinimizer. More... | |
class | RootScalarFunction |
The chi2 function for use in minimizers. More... | |
class | SimAnMinimizer |
Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the GSL simmulated annealing minimizer. More... | |
class | MultiOption |
Stores a single option for minimization algorithm. More... | |
class | OptionContainer |
Stores multi option (int,double,string) in a container. More... | |
class | IChiSquaredModule |
Interface residual calculations. More... | |
class | IVarianceFunction |
Variance function interface. More... | |
class | FitObjective |
Holds vector of SimDataPair s (experimental data and simulation results) for use in fitting. More... | |
Fitting internal classes.