BornAgain  1.18.0
Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence
Fitting internals

Fitting internal classes. More...


class  IMinimizer
 Pure virtual interface for all kind minimizers. More...
class  MinimizerCatalog
 Hard-coded information about all minimizers available. More...
class  AlgorithmInfo
 A name and a description. More...
class  MinimizerInfo
 Info about a minimizer, including list of defined minimization algorithms. More...
class  MinimizerOptions
 Collection of internal minimizer settings. More...
class  GeneticMinimizer
 Wrapper for the CERN ROOT Genetic minimizer. More...
class  GSLLevenbergMarquardtMinimizer
 It's a facade to ROOT::Math::GSLNLSMinimizer which, in turn, is a facade to the actual GSL's gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type ( More...
class  GSLMultiMinimizer
 Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the GSL multi minimizer family (gradient descent based). More...
class  Minuit2Minimizer
 Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the Minuit2 minimizer. More...
class  RootMinimizerAdapter
 Pure virtual interface that adapts the CERN ROOT minimizer to our IMinimizer. More...
class  RootScalarFunction
 The chi2 function for use in minimizers. More...
class  SimAnMinimizer
 Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the GSL simmulated annealing minimizer. More...
class  MultiOption
 Stores a single option for minimization algorithm. More...
class  OptionContainer
 Stores multi option (int,double,string) in a container. More...
class  IChiSquaredModule
 Interface residual calculations. More...
class  IVarianceFunction
 Variance function interface. More...
class  FitObjective
 Holds vector of SimDataPairs (experimental data and simulation results) for use in fitting. More...

Detailed Description

Fitting internal classes.