BornAgain  1.18.0
Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence

Classes related to the functional testing using predefined scattering geometries. More...


class  BoxCompositionRotateXBuilder
 Two boxes in particle composition rotated in X by 90 degrees. More...
class  BoxCompositionRotateYBuilder
 Two boxes in particle composition rotated in Y by 90 degrees. More...
class  BoxCompositionRotateZBuilder
 Two boxes in particle composition rotated in Z by 90 degrees. More...
class  BoxCompositionRotateZandYBuilder
 Two boxes in particle composition rotated in Z and Y by 90 degrees. More...
class  BoxStackCompositionBuilder
 Two different boxes are first rotated and then composed, composition is then rotated. More...
class  BoxesSquareLatticeBuilder
 Builds sample: square boxes in a square lattice. More...
class  CoreShellParticleBuilder
 Builds sample: Core Shell Nanoparticles (IsGISAXS example #11). More...
class  CoreShellBoxRotateZandYBuilder
 Rotation and translation of core shell box particle in 3 layers system. More...
class  CustomMorphologyBuilder
 Builds sample: mixture of different particles (IsGISAXS example #7). More...
class  CylindersAndPrismsBuilder
 Builds sample: mixture of cylinders and prisms without interference (IsGISAXS example #1). More...
class  CylindersInDWBABuilder
 Builds sample: cylinder form factor in DWBA (IsGISAXS example #3, part I). More...
class  CylindersInBABuilder
 Builds sample: cylinder form factor in BA (IsGISAXS example #3, part II). More...
class  LargeCylindersInDWBABuilder
 Builds sample with large cylinders for MC integration tests. More...
class  RotatedCylindersBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinder form factor in DWBA (IsGISAXS example #3, part I). More...
class  HomogeneousMultilayerBuilder
 Builds a sample with 10 interchanging homogeneous layers of Ti and Ni on silicone substrate. More...
class  Lattice1DBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinders with 1DDL structure factor. More...
class  LayersWithAbsorptionBuilder
 The LayersWithAbsorptionBuilder class generates a multilayer with 3 layers with absorption (refractive index has imaginary part). More...
class  LayersWithAbsorptionBySLDBuilder
 The LayersWithAbsorptionBySLDBuilder class generates a multilayer with 3 layers with absorption (refractive index has imaginary part). More...
class  MagneticSubstrateZeroFieldBuilder
 Builds sample: spheres in substrate layer with a zero magnetic field. More...
class  SimpleMagneticLayerBuilder
 Builds sample: ambient and one magnetized layer on a non-magnetized substrate. More...
class  MagneticLayerBuilder
 Builds sample: magnetic spheres in a magnetized layer on a non-magnetized substrate. More...
class  SimpleMagneticRotationBuilder
 Builds sample: magnetic layer on a magnetic substrate with the fields rotated by 90° More...
class  MagneticRotationBuilder
 Builds sample: rotated magnetic spheres in substrate layer with a unit magnetic field. More...
class  MagneticParticleZeroFieldBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinders with magnetic material and zero magnetic field. More...
class  MagneticCylindersBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinders with magnetic material and non-zero magnetic field. More...
class  MagneticSpheresBuilder
 Builds sample: spheres with magnetization inside substrate. More...
class  MesoCrystalBuilder
 Builds sample: cylindrical mesocrystal composed of spheres in a cubic lattice. More...
class  MultiLayerWithNCRoughnessBuilder
 Builds sample: layers with correlated roughness. More...
class  MultiLayerWithRoughnessBuilder
 Builds sample: layers with correlated roughness. More...
class  MultipleLayoutBuilder
 Builds sample: mixture of cylinders and prisms without interference, using multiple particle layouts. More...
class  RadialParaCrystalBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinders with 1DDL structure factor (IsGISAXS example #4). More...
class  Basic2DParaCrystalBuilder
 Builds sample: basic two dimensional paracrystal with various probability distribution functions (PDF's). More...
class  HexParaCrystalBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinders with 2DDL structure factor (IsGISAXS example #4). More...
class  RectParaCrystalBuilder
 Builds sample: 2D paracrystal lattice (IsGISAXS example #8). More...
class  ParticleCompositionBuilder
 Builds sample: two layers of spheres at hex lattice. More...
class  CylindersWithSizeDistributionBuilder
 Cylinders in BA with size distributions (IsGISAXS example #3, part II). More...
class  TwoTypesCylindersDistributionBuilder
 Builds mixture of cylinder particles with different size distribution (IsGISAXS example #2) More...
class  RotatedPyramidsDistributionBuilder
 Rotated Pyramids with the distribution applied to the rotation angle. More...
class  SpheresWithLimitsDistributionBuilder
 Spherical particles with the distribution applied to the radius and RealLimits defined. More...
class  ConesWithLimitsDistributionBuilder
 Cones with the distribution applied to the angle and RealLimits defined. More...
class  LinkedBoxDistributionBuilder
 Distribution of boxes with main parameter and two linked parameters. More...
class  ParticleInVacuumBuilder
 The ParticleInVacuumBuilder class generates a multilayer with single vacuum layer populated with particles of certain types. More...
class  HardDiskBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinders with hard disk Percus-Yevick interference. More...
class  PlainMultiLayerBySLDBuilder
 Builds a sample with 10 interchanging homogeneous layers of Ti and Ni on silicone substrate. More...
class  ResonatorBuilder
 Builds sample: multilayer with Ti/Pt layers sequence. More...
class  CosineRippleBuilder
 Builds sample: cosine ripple within the 1D-paracrystal model. More...
class  TriangularRippleBuilder
 Builds sample: triangular ripple within the 1D-paracrystal model (from PRB 85, 235415, 2012). More...
class  RotatedPyramidsBuilder
 Builds sample: Pyramids, rotated pyramids on top of substrate (IsGISAXS example #9) More...
class  SampleBuilderFactory
 Factory to create standard pre-defined samples. More...
class  SizeDistributionDAModelBuilder
 Creates the sample demonstrating size distribution model in decoupling approximation. More...
class  SizeDistributionLMAModelBuilder
 Creates the sample demonstrating size distribution model in local monodisperse approximation. More...
class  SizeDistributionSSCAModelBuilder
 Creates the sample demonstrating size distribution model in size space coupling approximation. More...
class  CylindersInSSCABuilder
 Builds sample: size spacing correlation approximation (IsGISAXS example #15). More...
class  SlicedCompositionBuilder
 Builds sample: spherical composition made of top+bottom spherical cups. More...
class  SlicedCylindersBuilder
 Builds sample: cylinders on a silicon substrate. More...
class  SLDSlicedCylindersBuilder
 Provides exactly the same sample as SlicedCylindersBuilder, but with sld-based materials. More...
class  AveragedSlicedCylindersBuilder
 Provides exactly the same sample as SLDSlicedCylindersBuilder, but with cylinders represented as homogeneous layers. More...
class  TransformBoxBuilder
 Rotated box in 3 layers system. More...
class  Basic2DLatticeBuilder
 Builds sample: 2D lattice with arbitrary angle and different lattice length_1 and length_2. More...
class  SquareLatticeBuilder
 Builds sample: 2D lattice with different disorder (IsGISAXS example #6). More...
class  CenteredSquareLatticeBuilder
 Builds sample: 2D lattice with different disorder (IsGISAXS example #6). More...
class  RotatedSquareLatticeBuilder
 Builds sample: 2D lattice with different disorder (IsGISAXS example #6). More...
class  FiniteSquareLatticeBuilder
 Builds sample: 2D finite lattice with thermal disorder. More...
class  SuperLatticeBuilder
 Builds sample: 2D finite lattice of 2D finite lattices (superlattice). More...
class  TwoLayerRoughnessBuilder
 Builds sample: two layers with rough interface. More...
class  SimulationFactory
 Registry to create standard pre-defined simulations. More...

Detailed Description

Classes related to the functional testing using predefined scattering geometries.