BornAgain  1.19.0
Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence
Here is a list of all modules:
 Available formfactorsAvailable form factors
 BeamClasses to describe the incoming beam and its footprint in the sample plane
 DetectorClasses to describe a detector
 Detector masksClasses to construct a two-dimensional mask
 Distribution and decay function internalsDistribution and decay function interface classes
 FittingClasses to fit the data
 Fitting internalsFitting internal classes
 Formfactor internalsForm factor internal classes
 Fourier-space decay functions
 Fourier-space distribution functions
 Hard particlesThree-dimenensional shapes, to model hard particles
 ISimulation and instrument internalsInternal classes concerned with simulations and instrument
 ISimulation descriptionClasses to describe beam, detector and run the simulation
 Input and outputVarious routines for input/output
 Input_output_internalInput/output internal classes
 Interference functionsAvailable interference functions
 Material internalsMaterials internal classes
 MaterialsClasses and functions to describe magnetic and non-magnetic materials
 Parameter distributions
 RipplesRipples, for modelling gratings
 Sample internalsSample internal classes
 SamplesClasses to describe experimental sample
 Soft particlesParticles with smooth scattering-length distributions
 Standard_samplesClasses related to the functional testing using predefined scattering geometries
 ToolsDifferent tools
 Tools_internalTools internal classes