BornAgain  1.19.79
Open-source research software to simulate and fit neutron and x-ray reflectometry and grazing-incidence small-angle scattering
Frame Member List

This is the complete list of members for Frame, including all inherited members.

allIndices(size_t i_flat) constFrame
axis(size_t k_axis) constFrame
cloned_axes() constFrame
Frame(const std::vector< IAxis * > &axes)Frame
hasSameSizes(const Frame &) constFrame
operator==(const Frame &) constFrame
projectedCoord(size_t i_flat, size_t k_axis) constFrame
projectedIndex(size_t i_flat, size_t k_axis) constFrame
projectedSize(size_t k_axis) constFrame
rank() constFrame
size() constFrame
toGlobalIndex(const std::vector< unsigned > &axes_indices) constFrame
xAxis() constFrame
yAxis() constFrame