BornAgain  1.19.79
Open-source research software to simulate and fit neutron and x-ray reflectometry and grazing-incidence small-angle scattering
Hard particles


Three-dimenensional shapes, to model hard particles.


class  Bipyramid4
 A truncated bifrustum with quadratic base. More...
class  Box
 A rectangular prism (parallelepiped). More...
class  CantellatedCube
 A cube, with truncation of all edges and corners, as in Croset (2017) Fig 7. More...
class  Cone
 A conical frustum (cone truncated parallel to the base) with circular base. More...
class  Cylinder
 A circular cylinder. More...
class  Dodecahedron
 A regular dodecahedron. More...
class  EllipsoidalCylinder
 A cylinder with elliptical base. More...
class  HemiEllipsoid
 An hemi ellipsoid, obtained by truncating a full ellipsoid in the middle plane spanned by two principal axes. More...
class  HorizontalCylinder
 A circular cylinder. More...
class  Icosahedron
 A regular icosahedron. More...
class  PlatonicOctahedron
 A truncated bifrustum with quadratic base. More...
class  PlatonicTetrahedron
 A frustum with equilateral trigonal base. More...
class  Prism3
 A prism based on an equilateral triangle. More...
class  Prism6
 A prism based on a regular hexagonal. More...
class  Pyramid2
 A frustum (truncated pyramid) with rectangular base. More...
class  Pyramid3
 A frustum with equilateral trigonal base. More...
class  Pyramid4
 A frustum with a quadratic base. More...
class  Pyramid6
 A frustum (truncated pyramid) with regular hexagonal base. More...
class  Sphere
 A full sphere. More...
class  Spheroid
 A full spheroid (an ellipsoid with two equal axes, hence with circular cross section) More...
class  TruncatedCube
 A cube, with tetrahedral truncation of all corners. More...
class  TruncatedSphere
 A truncated Sphere. More...
class  TruncatedSpheroid
 A truncated spheroid. An ellipsoid with two equal axis, truncated by a plane perpendicular to the third axis. More...