Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence
Classes | |
class | FTDistribution1DCauchy |
Exponential IFTDistribution1D exp(-|omega*x|); its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Cauchy-Lorentzian starting at evaluate(0)=1. More... | |
class | FTDistribution1DCosine |
IFTDistribution1D consisting of one cosine wave [1+cos(pi*x/omega) if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) starts at evaluate(0)=1. More... | |
class | FTDistribution1DGate |
Square gate IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1. More... | |
class | FTDistribution1DGauss |
Gaussian IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Gaussian starting at evaluate(0)=1. More... | |
class | FTDistribution1DTriangle |
Triangle IFTDistribution1D [1-|x|/omega if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a squared sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1. More... | |
class | FTDistribution1DVoigt |
IFTDistribution1D that provides a Fourier transform evaluate(q) in form of a pseudo-Voigt decay function eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy, with both components starting at 1 for q=0. More... | |
class | FTDistribution2DCauchy |
Two-dimensional Cauchy distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to a normalized exp(-r) in real space, with ![]() | |
class | FTDistribution2DCone |
Two-dimensional cone distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to 1-r if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space with ![]() | |
class | FTDistribution2DGate |
Two-dimensional gate distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized constant if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space, with ![]() | |
class | FTDistribution2DGauss |
Two-dimensional Gauss distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized exp(-r^2/2) in real space with ![]() | |
class | FTDistribution2DVoigt |
Two-dimensional Voigt distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy. More... | |