Defines and implements class Attributes.
Defines class RealLimits.
Attributes and limits of a fit parameter, and coupling between these properties.
double lowerLimit() const
std::string toString() const
static AttLimits lowerLimited(double bound_value)
void setFixed(bool isFixed)
static AttLimits limitless()
double upperLimit() const
bool isUpperLimited() const
bool operator==(const AttLimits &other) const
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, const AttLimits &m)
bool operator!=(const AttLimits &other) const
static AttLimits upperLimited(double bound_value)
static AttLimits nonnegative()
static AttLimits positive()
static AttLimits limited(double left_bound_value, double right_bound_value)
bool isLowerLimited() const
Attributes for a fit parameter.
Limits for a real fit parameter.