52 const std::map<size_t, std::vector<HomogeneousRegion>>&
Defines struct HomogeneousRegion, and declares fct createAveragedMaterial.
Class that handles all the computations involved in GISAS (particles, roughness,.....
std::unique_ptr< DelayedProgressCounter > mP_progress_counter
std::unique_ptr< GISASSpecularComputation > mP_spec_comp
void addLayoutComputation(ParticleLayoutComputation *p_layout_comp)
std::map< size_t, std::vector< HomogeneousRegion > > m_region_map
const std::map< size_t, std::vector< HomogeneousRegion > > & regionMap() const
Retrieves a map of regions for the calculation of averaged layers.
void compute(SimulationElement &elem) const
DWBASingleComputation(DWBASingleComputation &&other)
void setRoughnessComputation(RoughMultiLayerComputation *p_roughness_comp)
void setProgressHandler(ProgressHandler *p_progress)
void setSpecularBinComputation(GISASSpecularComputation *p_spec_comp)
std::unique_ptr< RoughMultiLayerComputation > mP_roughness_comp
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParticleLayoutComputation > > m_layout_comps
Counter for reporting progress (with delay interval) in a threaded computation.
Computes the specular signal in the bin where q_parallel = 0.
Computes the scattering contribution from one particle layout.
Maintains information about progress of a computation.
Computes the diffuse reflection from the rough interfaces of a multilayer.
Data stucture containing both input and output of a single detector cell.