33 double domain_size_1,
double domain_size_2);
36 double damping_length);
45 double damping_length,
47 double domain_size_2);
49 double damping_length,
51 double domain_size_2);
60 std::vector<double> domainSizes()
63 bool integrationOverXi()
const {
return m_integrate_xi; }
64 double dampingLength()
const {
return m_damping_length; }
77 double iff_without_dw(
const kvector_t q)
const override final;
78 void setLattice(
const Lattice2D& lattice);
80 double interferenceForXi(
double xi)
81 double interference1D(
double qx,
double qy,
double xi,
size_t index)
82 complex_t FTPDF(
double qx,
double qy,
double xi,
size_t index)
83 void transformToPrincipalAxes(
double qx,
double qy,
double gamma,
double delta,
double& q_pa_1,
84 double& q_pa_2)
87 std::unique_ptr<IFTDistribution2D> m_pdf1, m_pdf2;
88 std::unique_ptr<Lattice2D> m_lattice;
89 double m_damping_length;
90 double m_domain_sizes[2];
Defines complex_t, and a few elementary functions.
Defines interface class IFTDistribution2D, and children thereof.
Defines and implements the interface class IInterferenceFunction.
Defines classes of Lattice2D family.
Interface for two-dimensional distributions in Fourier space.
Pure virtual base class of interference functions.
Visitor interface to visit ISample objects.
Base class for tree-like structures containing parameterized objects.
Interference function of a 2D paracrystal.
double getParticleDensity() const override final
If defined by this interference function's parameters, returns the particle density (per area).
void accept(INodeVisitor *visitor) const override final
Calls the INodeVisitor's visit method.
void setProbabilityDistributions(const IFTDistribution2D &pdf_1, const IFTDistribution2D &pdf_2)
Sets the probability distributions (Fourier transformed) for the two lattice directions.
static InterferenceFunction2DParaCrystal * createHexagonal(double lattice_length, double damping_length, double domain_size_1, double domain_size_2)
Creates hexagonal lattice.
void setIntegrationOverXi(bool integrate_xi)
Enables/disables averaging over the lattice rotation angle.
InterferenceFunction2DParaCrystal * clone() const override final
Returns a clone of this ISample object.
void setDampingLength(double damping_length)
Sets the damping length.
static InterferenceFunction2DParaCrystal * createSquare(double lattice_length, double damping_length, double domain_size_1, double domain_size_2)
Creates square lattice.
void setDomainSizes(double size_1, double size_2)
Sets the sizes of coherence domains.
std::vector< const INode * > getChildren() const override final
Returns a vector of children (const).