| Beam (double wavelength, double alpha, double phi, double intensity) |
| Beam (const Beam &other) |
Beam & | operator= (const Beam &other) |
kvector_t | getCentralK () const |
| Returns the wavevector.
void | setCentralK (double wavelength, double alpha_i, double phi_i) |
| Sets the wavevector in terms of wavelength and incoming angles.
double | getIntensity () const |
| Returns the beam intensity in neutrons/sec.
void | setIntensity (double intensity) |
| Sets the beam intensity in neutrons/sec.
const IFootprintFactor * | footprintFactor () const |
| Returns footprint factor.
void | setFootprintFactor (const IFootprintFactor &shape_factor) |
| Sets footprint factor to the beam.
void | setWidthRatio (double width_ratio) |
| Sets beam to sample width ratio in footprint factor.
void | setPolarization (const kvector_t bloch_vector) |
| Sets the polarization density matrix according to the given Bloch vector.
kvector_t | getBlochVector () const |
Eigen::Matrix2cd | getPolarization () const |
| Returns the polarization density matrix (in spin basis along z-axis)
double | getWavelength () const |
double | getAlpha () const |
double | getPhi () const |
void | accept (INodeVisitor *visitor) const override |
| Calls the INodeVisitor's visit method.
std::vector< const INode * > | getChildren () const override |
| Returns a vector of children (const).
| INode (const NodeMeta &meta, const std::vector< double > &PValues) |
virtual std::string | treeToString () const |
| Returns multiline string representing tree structure below the node.
void | registerChild (INode *node) |
virtual void | setParent (const INode *newParent) |
const INode * | parent () const |
INode * | parent () |
int | copyNumber (const INode *node) const |
| Returns copyNumber of child, which takes into account existence of children with same name.
std::string | displayName () const |
| Returns display name, composed from the name of node and it's copy number.
ParameterPool * | createParameterTree () const |
| Creates new parameter pool, with all local parameters and those of its children.
| IParameterized (const std::string &name="") |
| IParameterized (const IParameterized &other) |
IParameterized & | operator= (const IParameterized &other)=delete |
ParameterPool * | parameterPool () const |
| Returns pointer to the parameter pool.
std::string | parametersToString () const |
| Returns multiline string representing available parameters.
RealParameter & | registerParameter (const std::string &name, double *parpointer) |
void | registerVector (const std::string &base_name, kvector_t *p_vec, const std::string &units="nm") |
void | setParameterValue (const std::string &name, double value) |
void | setVectorValue (const std::string &base_name, kvector_t value) |
RealParameter * | parameter (const std::string &name) const |
| Returns parameter with given 'name'.
virtual void | onChange () |
| Action to be taken in inherited class when a parameter has changed.
void | removeParameter (const std::string &name) |
void | removeVector (const std::string &base_name) |
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
const std::string & | getName () const |
Beam defined by wavelength, direction and intensity.
Definition at line 26 of file Beam.h.