23 class DistributionForm;
33 #include <boost/numeric/interval.hpp>
The BeamDistributionItem handles wavelength, inclination and azimuthal parameter distribution for Bea...
DistributionSelector as above but contained in a GroupBox with a title and a button to open the distr...
DistributionPlot * m_plot
void updateData()
Update UI from data.
DistributionSelector * m_selector
void distributionChanged()
DistributionEditor(const QString &title, const std::optional< MeanConfig > &mean_config, GUI::ID::Distributions distributions, QWidget *parent, BeamDistributionItem *item)
The DistributionPlot class plots 1d functions corresponding to domain's Distribution1D.
Widget for selecting a distribution (combo box) and input of the corresponding values with respect to...
BeamDistributionItem * m_item
void distributionChanged()
DistributionSelector(std::optional< MeanConfig > mean_config, GUI::ID::Distributions distributions, QWidget *parent, BeamDistributionItem *item)
DoubleSpinBox * createSpinBox(const DoubleDescriptor &d)
void createDistributionWidgets()
GUI::ID::Distributions m_distributions
QComboBox * m_distributionCombo
GUI::ID::Distributions distributions() const
void createMeanSpinBox(const DoubleDescriptor &d)
BeamDistributionItem * item() const
QFormLayout * m_formLayout
std::optional< MeanConfig > m_meanConfig
Describes properties of a double value which are necessary to allow GUI representation,...
SpinBox for DoubleDescriptors, supporting units.
Describes properties of a uint value which are necessary to allow GUI representation,...
Which distributions should be available in the selector.
configuration to control how the user can enter a mean value
bool scientific
whether to use a scientific number notation