21 const QString Uid(
30 "Hurst parameter which describes how jagged the interface,\n "
31 "dimensionless [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 gives more spikes, \n1.0 more smoothness.",
34 "Lateral correlation length of the roughness", 5.0,
Defines class DoubleDescriptor.
Defines classes LayerRoughnessItems.
Describes properties of a double value which are necessary to allow GUI representation,...
void init(const QString &label, const QString &tooltip, double value, const variant< QString, Unit > &unit, const QString &persistentTag)
void serialize(Streamer &s)
DoubleDescriptor lateralCorrelationLength() const
DoubleDescriptor sigma() const
DoubleDescriptor hurst() const
DoubleProperty m_lateralCorrelationLength
Supports serialization to or deserialization from QXmlStream.
void assertVersion(unsigned expectedVersion) const
As reader, throws DeserializationException unless the expected version is read. As writer,...
void rwProperty(Streamer &s, DoubleProperty &d)