19 #include <QModelIndex>
28 class QItemSelectionModel;
68 function<
bool)> setter);
Defines class MaskEditorFlags.
Describes properties of a double value which are necessary to allow GUI representation,...
Tool widget for MaskEditor.
void addMaskSpinBox(DoubleDescriptor d)
Add a spinbox to edit a mask's double value.
void setPanelHidden(bool hidden)
Show/Hide panel. When panel is hidden, all property editors are disabled.
IntensityDataPropertyWidget * m_plotPropertyEditor
void onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &)
QSize minimumSizeHint() const override
void addMaskCheckBox(const QString &title, function< bool()> getter, function< void(bool)> setter)
Add a checkbox to edit a mask's boolean value.
bool m_inhibitSelectionChange
SessionModel * m_maskModel
void itemContextMenuRequest(const QPoint &point)
IntensityDataItem * m_intensityDataItem
void setMaskContext(SessionModel *model, const QModelIndex &maskContainerIndex, IntensityDataItem *intensityItem)
void onCustomContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point)
MaskItem * m_currentMaskItem
the mask item whose properties shall be edited
QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel()
QSize sizeHint() const override
void createMaskEditorUI()
Creates the UI to edit the current mask's properties.
MaskEditorPropertyPanel(QWidget *parent=nullptr)
MaskItem * maskItemForIndex(const QModelIndex &index)
Return the mask item for the given index. nullptr if index invalid or not pointing to a mask item.
void setCurrentMaskItem(MaskItem *maskItem)
Set the current mask and creates the UI to edit the mask's properties.
QFormLayout * m_maskPropertiesLayout
A base class for all mask items.
Base class for a GUI data collection. A collection is e.g. all real data (RealDataModel)....