SpinBox for DoubleDescriptors, supporting units.
Add-on to group boxes to make them collapsible.
Form for editing a particle layout.
void enableStructureEditing(bool b)
void updateDensityEnabling()
Disable/enable total density property depending on type of interference function.
void onParticleAdded(ItemWithParticles *item)
SampleEditorController * m_ec
void onAboutToRemoveParticle(ItemWithParticles *item)
void updateTitle(const LayerItem *layerItem)
ParticleLayoutForm(LayerForm *parent, ParticleLayoutItem *layoutItem, SampleEditorController *ec)
GroupBoxCollapser * m_collapser
void updateDensityValue()
Update the shown density value.
ParticleLayoutItem * m_layoutItem
ParticleLayoutItem * layoutItem() const
DoubleSpinBox * m_totalDensitySpinBox
QList< QWidget * > m_structureEditingWidgets
Class to modify a sample from the layer oriented sample editor.