20 #include <QVBoxLayout>
29 auto* layout =
new QVBoxLayout;
31 layout->setSpacing(0);
Defines class FontScalingEvent.
Defines class PlotStatusLabel.
Defines class SpecularDataItem.
Defines class ColorMapCanvas.
Defines class SpecularPlot.
Provides event filter for ScientificPlot. Its goal is to make font size adjustments on resize events.
The PlotStatusLabel class shows status string as reported by DescriptedPlot in a frame....
void setLabelEnabled(bool flag)
Enables/disables label. If disabled, all colorMaps are disconnected and label is hiding.
Base class for a GUI data item.
FontScalingEvent * m_canvasEvent
SpecularPlotCanvas(QWidget *parent=nullptr)
void setItem(SessionItem *specularDataItem) override
void onStatusString(const QString &name)
SpecularPlot * specularPlot()
PlotStatusLabel * m_statusLabel
QCustomPlot * customPlot()
void setStatusLabelEnabled(bool flag)
The SpecularPlot class presents 1D intensity data from SpecularDataItem.
QCustomPlot * customPlot() override
void initScatter()
Adds scatter ro real data plot.
void setText(const QString &text)
SpecularDataItem * specularDataItem(SessionItem *parent)
Returns SpecularDataItem contained as a child in givent parent.
QString const & name(EShape k)