65 crystals_t* crystalMap() {
return &m_CrystalLabel; }
67 interferences_t* interferenceFunctionMap() {
return &m_InterferenceFunctionLabel; }
68 layers_t* layerMap() {
return &m_LayerLabel; }
69 layouts_t* particleLayoutMap() {
return &m_ILayoutLabel; }
70 materials_t* materialMap() {
return &m_MaterialLabel; }
71 lattices_t* latticeMap() {
return &m_LatticeLabel; }
76 particles_t* particleMap() {
return &m_ParticleLabel; }
78 rotations_t* rotationsMap() {
return &m_RotationsLabel; }
79 roughnesses_t* layerRoughnessMap() {
return &m_LayerRoughnessLabel; }
81 std::string labelCrystal(
const Crystal* sample);
82 std::string labelFormFactor(
const IFormFactor* sample);
84 std::string labelLayer(
const Layer* sample);
85 std::string labelLayout(
const ILayout* sample);
86 std::string labelMaterial(
const Material* sample);
87 std::string labelLattice(
const Lattice* sample);
88 std::string labelMultiLayer(
const MultiLayer* sample);
90 std::string labelRotation(
const IRotation* sample);
93 void insertCrystal(
const Crystal* sample);
96 void insertLayer(
const Layer* sample);
97 void insertLayout(
const ILayout* sample);
98 void insertMaterial(
const Material* sample);
99 void insertLattice(
const Lattice* sample);
101 void insertMultiLayer(
const MultiLayer* sample);
104 void insertParticle(
const Particle* sample);
106 void insertRotation(
const IRotation* sample);
Defines many exception classes in namespace Exceptionss.
Defines class OrderedMap.
A crystal structure with a ParticleComposition as a basis.
Interface for a generic particle.
Pure virtual base class of interference functions.
Pure virtual interface class to equip a sample layer with scattering properties.
Pure virtual interface for rotations.
A lattice with three basis vectors.
A roughness of interface between two layers.
A layer, with thickness (in nanometer) and material.
A wrapper for underlying material implementation.
A particle with an internal structure of smaller particles.
Our sample model: a stack of layers one below the other.
Ordered map which saves the order of insertion.
A composition of particles at fixed positions.
A particle with a core/shell geometry.
A particle type that is a parametric distribution of IParticle's.
A particle with a form factor and refractive index.
The handler which construct labels for sample variables during python script generation.