BornAgain  1.19.0
Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NmumufitThe multi-library, multi-algorithm fit wrapper library
 CAngularSpecScanScan type with inclination angles as coordinate values and a unique wavelength
 CAttLimitsAttributes and limits of a fit parameter, and coupling between these properties
 CAxesWrapper for detector axes units, required for a better representation of detector axes units in python
 CAxisInfoInformation about an axis in specific units
 CBasicLattice2DA two-dimensional Bravais lattice with no special symmetry
 CBasicVector3DThree-dimensional vector template, for use with integer, double, or complex components
 CBeamAn incident neutron or x-ray beam
 CBin1DCVectorAn one-dimensional range of cvector_t's
 CBin1DKVectorAn one-dimensional range of kvector_t's
 CChiSquaredModuleCalculation of chi2 between two data sets
 CConstantBackgroundClass representing a constant background signal
 CConstKBinAxisAxis with fixed bin size in sin(angle) space
 CCrystalA crystal structure, defined by a Bravais lattice, a basis, and a position variance
 CCustomBinAxisAxis with fixed bin size in sin(angle) space used for numerical comparison with IsGisaxs
 CDetectorMaskCollection of detector masks
 CDirectionA direction in three-dimensional space
 CDistributionCosineCosine distribution
 CDistributionGateUniform distribution function with half width hwhm
 CDistributionGaussianGaussian distribution with standard deviation std_dev
 CDistributionLogNormalLog-normal distribution
 CDistributionLorentzLorentz distribution with half width hwhm
 CDistributionTrapezoidTrapezoidal distribution
 CEllipseAn ellipse, for use in detector masks
 CFitObjectiveHolds vector of SimDataPairs (experimental data and simulation results) for use in fitting
 CFitOptionsGeneral fitting options
 CFixedBinAxisAxis with fixed bin size
 CFootprintGaussGaussian beam footprint
 CFootprintSquareRectangular beam footprint
 CFormFactorAnisoPyramidA frustum (truncated pyramid) with rectangular base
 CFormFactorBoxA rectangular prism (parallelepiped)
 CFormFactorCantellatedCubeA cube, with truncation of all edges and corners, as in Croset (2017) Fig 7
 CFormFactorConeA conical frustum (cone truncated parallel to the base) with circular base
 CFormFactorCone6A frustum (truncated pyramid) with regular hexagonal base
 CFormFactorCosineRippleBoxThe form factor for a cosine ripple, with box profile in elongation direction
 CFormFactorCosineRippleGaussThe form factor for a cosine ripple, with Gaussian profile in elongation direction
 CFormFactorCosineRippleLorentzThe form factor for a cosine ripple, with Lorentz form factor in elongation direction
 CFormFactorCrystalThe form factor of a MesoCrystal
 CFormFactorCuboctahedronA truncated bifrustum with quadratic base
 CFormFactorCylinderA circular cylinder
 CFormFactorDodecahedronA regular dodecahedron
 CFormFactorDotA dot, with scattering power as a sphere of radius rscat, but with F(q)=const
 CFormFactorEllipsoidalCylinderA cylinder with elliptical base
 CFormFactorFullSphereA full sphere
 CFormFactorFullSpheroidA full spheroid (an ellipsoid with two equal axes, hence with circular cross section)
 CFormFactorGaussSphereThe form factor of a Gaussian sphere
 CFormFactorHemiEllipsoidAn hemi ellipsoid, obtained by truncating a full ellipsoid in the middle plane spanned by two principal axes
 CFormFactorHollowSphereIntegrated full sphere form factor over a uniform distribution of radii
 CFormFactorIcosahedronA regular icosahedron
 CFormFactorLongBoxGaussThe form factor for a long rectangular box
 CFormFactorLongBoxLorentzThe form factor for a long rectangular box
 CFormFactorPrism3A prism based on an equilateral triangle
 CFormFactorPrism6A prism based on a regular hexagonal
 CFormFactorPyramidA frustum with a quadratic base
 CFormFactorSawtoothRippleBoxThe form factor for a cosine ripple, with box profile in elongation direction
 CFormFactorSawtoothRippleGaussThe form factor for a cosine ripple, with Gaussian profile in elongation direction
 CFormFactorSawtoothRippleLorentzThe form factor for a cosine ripple, with Lorentz form factor in elongation direction
 CFormFactorSphereGaussianRadiusA sphere with gaussian radius distribution
 CFormFactorSphereLogNormalRadiusA sphere with log normal radius distribution
 CFormFactorTetrahedronA frustum with equilateral trigonal base
 CFormFactorTruncatedCubeA cube, with tetrahedral truncation of all corners
 CFormFactorTruncatedSphereA truncated Sphere
 CFormFactorTruncatedSpheroidA truncated spheroid
 CFormFactorWeightedCoherent sum of different scalar IFormFactors with different weights
 CFTDecayFunction1DCauchyOne-dimensional Cauchy decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-|x|/decay_length) in real space
 CFTDecayFunction1DGaussOne-dimensional Gauss decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp[-x^2/(2*decay_length^2)] in real space
 CFTDecayFunction1DTriangleOne-dimensional triangle decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to 1-|x|/decay_length if |x|<decay_length (and 0 otherwise) in real space
 CFTDecayFunction1DVoigtOne-dimensional pseudo-Voigt decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy
 CFTDecayFunction2DCauchyTwo-dimensional Cauchy decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-r) in real space, with $r=\sqrt{(\frac{x}{\omega_x})^2 + (\frac{y}{\omega_y})^2}$
 CFTDecayFunction2DGaussTwo-dimensional Gauss decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-r^2/2) in real space, with $r=\sqrt{(\frac{x}{\omega_x})^2 + (\frac{y}{\omega_y})^2}$
 CFTDecayFunction2DVoigtTwo-dimensional pseudo-Voigt decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy
 CFTDistribution1DCauchyExponential IFTDistribution1D exp(-|omega*x|); its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Cauchy-Lorentzian starting at evaluate(0)=1
 CFTDistribution1DCosineIFTDistribution1D consisting of one cosine wave [1+cos(pi*x/omega) if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) starts at evaluate(0)=1
 CFTDistribution1DGateSquare gate IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1
 CFTDistribution1DGaussGaussian IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Gaussian starting at evaluate(0)=1
 CFTDistribution1DTriangleTriangle IFTDistribution1D [1-|x|/omega if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a squared sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1
 CFTDistribution1DVoigtIFTDistribution1D that provides a Fourier transform evaluate(q) in form of a pseudo-Voigt decay function eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy, with both components starting at 1 for q=0
 CFTDistribution2DCauchyTwo-dimensional Cauchy distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to a normalized exp(-r) in real space, with $r=\sqrt{(\frac{x}{\omega_x})^2 + (\frac{y}{\omega_y})^2}$
 CFTDistribution2DConeTwo-dimensional cone distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to 1-r if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space with $r=\sqrt{(\frac{x}{\omega_x})^2 + (\frac{y}{\omega_y})^2}$
 CFTDistribution2DGateTwo-dimensional gate distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized constant if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space, with $r=\sqrt{(\frac{x}{\omega_x})^2 + (\frac{y}{\omega_y})^2}$
 CFTDistribution2DGaussTwo-dimensional Gauss distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized exp(-r^2/2) in real space with $r=\sqrt{(\frac{x}{\omega_x})^2 + (\frac{y}{\omega_y})^2}$
 CFTDistribution2DVoigtTwo-dimensional Voigt distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy
 CGISASSimulationMain class to run a Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle Scattering simulation
 CHexagonalLattice2DA two-dimensional Bravais lattice with hexagonal symmetry
 CHistogram1DOne dimensional histogram
 CHistogram2DTwo dimensional histogram
 CHorizontalLineAn infinite horizontal line
 CIdentityRotationThe identity rotation, which leaves everything in place
 CIntensityDataIOFactoryProvides users with possibility to read and write IntensityData from/to files in different format
 CInterferenceFunction1DLatticeInterference function of a 1D lattice
 CInterferenceFunction2DLatticeInterference function of a 2D lattice
 CInterferenceFunction2DParaCrystalInterference function of a 2D paracrystal
 CInterferenceFunction2DSuperLatticeInterference function of a 2D superlattice with a configurable interference function for each lattice site
 CInterferenceFunction3DLatticeInterference function of a 3D lattice
 CInterferenceFunctionFinite2DLatticeInterference function of a finite 2D lattice
 CInterferenceFunctionFinite3DLatticeInterference function of a finite 3D lattice
 CInterferenceFunctionHardDiskPercus-Yevick hard disk interference function
 CInterferenceFunctionNoneDefault interference function (i.e
 CInterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystalInterference function of radial paracrystal
 CInterferenceFunctionTwinInterference function for two particles at a mean distance and given standard deviation from each other in a given direction
 CIsGISAXSDetectorA spherical detector used for validation with IsGISAXS results
 CIterationInfoStores fit iteration info to track fit flow from various observers
 CLattice2DA two-dimensional Bravais lattice
 CLattice3DA Bravais lattice, characterized by three basis vectors, and optionally an ISelectionRule
 CLayerA layer in a MultiLayer sample
 CLayerRoughnessA roughness of interface between two layers
 CLineA line segment, for use in detector masks
 CMaterialA wrapper for underlying material implementation
 CMesoCrystalA particle with an internal structure of smaller particles
 CMinimizerCatalogHard-coded information about all minimizers available
 CMinimizerFactoryFactory to create minimizers
 CMultiLayerOur sample model: a stack of layers one below the other
 COffSpecularSimulationMain class to run an off-specular simulation
 COutputDataTemplated class to store data of type double or CumulativeValue in multi-dimensional space
 CParameterDistributionA parametric distribution function, for use with any model parameter
 CParameterPoolContainer with parameters for IParametricComponent object
 CParameterSampleA parameter value with a weight, as obtained when sampling from a distribution
 CParticleA particle with a form factor and refractive index
 CParticleCompositionA composition of particles at fixed positions
 CParticleCoreShellA particle with a core/shell geometry
 CParticleDistributionA particle type that is a parametric distribution of IParticle's
 CParticleLayoutDecorator class that adds particles to ISampleNode objects
 CPoissonNoiseBackgroundClass representing Poisson noise on top of the scattered intensity
 CPolygonA polygon, for use in detector masks
 CPyBuilderCallbackBuilds simulation object using a Python callable
 CPyCallbackBase class to wrap Python callable and pass it to C++
 CPyObserverCallbackObserver for FitObjective based on Python callable
 CQSpecScanScan type with z-components of scattering vector as coordinate values
 CRangedDistributionCosineCosine distribution
 CRangedDistributionGateUniform distribution function
 CRangedDistributionGaussianGaussian distribution with standard deviation std_dev
 CRangedDistributionLogNormalLog-normal distribution
 CRangedDistributionLorentzLorentz distribution with median and hwhm
 CRealLimitsLimits for a real fit parameter
 CRealParameterWraps a parameter of type double
 CRectangleA rectangle, for use in detector masks
 CRectangularDetectorA flat rectangular detector with axes and resolution function
 CResolutionFunction2DGaussianSimple gaussian two-dimensional resolution function
 CRotationEulerA sequence of rotations about the z-x'-z'' axes
 CRotationXA rotation about the x axis
 CRotationYA rotation about the y axis
 CRotationZA rotation about the z axis
 CSampleBuilderFactoryFactory to create standard pre-defined samples
 CScanResolutionContainer for reflectivity resolution data
 CSimulationOptionsCollect the different options for simulation
 CSimulationResultWrapper around OutputData<double> that also provides unit conversions
 CSpecularSimulationMain class to run a specular simulation
 CSphericalDetectorA detector with coordinate axes along angles phi and alpha
 CSquareLattice2DA two-dimensional Bravais lattice with square unit cell
 CThreadInfoInformation to run simulation with dedicated number of threads
 CTransform3DVector transformations in three dimensions
 CVariableBinAxisAxis with variable bin size
 CVarianceConstantFunctionReturns 1.0 as variance value
 CVarianceSimFunctionReturns max(sim, epsilon)
 CVerticalLineAn infinite vertical line
 CWavevectorInfoHolds all wavevector information relevant for calculating form factors