CAttLimits | Attributes and limits of a fit parameter, and coupling between these properties |
CAxes | Wrapper for detector axes units, required for a better representation of detector axes units in python |
CAxisInfo | Information about an axis in specific units |
CBasicVector3D< T > | Three-dimensional vector template, for use with integer, double, or complex components |
CBasicVector3D< complex_t > | |
CBasicVector3D< double > | |
CBin1D | |
CBin1DCVector | An one-dimensional range of cvector_t's |
CBin1DKVector | An one-dimensional range of kvector_t's |
CDetectorMask | Collection of detector masks |
CDirection | A direction in three-dimensional space |
CFitObjective | Holds vector of SimDataPair s (experimental data and simulation results) for use in fitting |
CFitOptions | General fitting options |
►CIAbstractParticle | |
CParticleDistribution | A particle type that is a parametric distribution of IParticle's |
►CIAxis | |
CFixedBinAxis | Axis with fixed bin size |
►CVariableBinAxis | Axis with variable bin size |
CConstKBinAxis | Axis with fixed bin size in sin(angle) space |
CCustomBinAxis | Axis with fixed bin size in sin(angle) space used for numerical comparison with IsGisaxs |
►CIBackground | |
CConstantBackground | Class representing a constant background signal |
CPoissonNoiseBackground | Class representing Poisson noise on top of the scattered intensity |
►CIBornFF | |
CFormFactorCone | A conical frustum (cone truncated parallel to the base) with circular base |
CFormFactorCylinder | A circular cylinder |
CFormFactorDot | A dot, with scattering power as a sphere of radius rscat, but with F(q)=const |
CFormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder | A cylinder with elliptical base |
CFormFactorFullSphere | A full sphere |
CFormFactorFullSpheroid | A full spheroid (an ellipsoid with two equal axes, hence with circular cross section) |
CFormFactorGaussSphere | The form factor of a Gaussian sphere |
CFormFactorHemiEllipsoid | An hemi ellipsoid, obtained by truncating a full ellipsoid in the middle plane spanned by two principal axes |
CFormFactorHollowSphere | Integrated full sphere form factor over a uniform distribution of radii |
CFormFactorLongBoxGauss | The form factor for a long rectangular box |
CFormFactorLongBoxLorentz | The form factor for a long rectangular box |
CFormFactorSphereGaussianRadius | A sphere with gaussian radius distribution |
CFormFactorSphereLogNormalRadius | A sphere with log normal radius distribution |
CFormFactorTruncatedSphere | A truncated Sphere |
CFormFactorTruncatedSpheroid | A truncated spheroid |
►CIChiSquaredModule | |
CChiSquaredModule | Calculation of chi2 between two data sets |
►CICloneable | |
►CLattice2D | A two-dimensional Bravais lattice |
CBasicLattice2D | A two-dimensional Bravais lattice with no special symmetry |
CHexagonalLattice2D | A two-dimensional Bravais lattice with hexagonal symmetry |
CSquareLattice2D | A two-dimensional Bravais lattice with square unit cell |
CParameterPool | Container with parameters for IParametricComponent object |
CScanResolution | Container for reflectivity resolution data |
►CIComponent | |
CMaterial | A wrapper for underlying material implementation |
►CICosineRipple | |
CFormFactorCosineRippleBox | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with box profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorCosineRippleGauss | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Gaussian profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorCosineRippleLorentz | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Lorentz form factor in elongation direction |
►CIDetector2D | |
CRectangularDetector | A flat rectangular detector with axes and resolution function |
►CSphericalDetector | A detector with coordinate axes along angles phi and alpha |
CIsGISAXSDetector | A spherical detector used for validation with IsGISAXS results |
►CIDistribution1D | |
CDistributionCosine | Cosine distribution |
CDistributionGate | Uniform distribution function with half width hwhm |
CDistributionGaussian | Gaussian distribution with standard deviation std_dev |
CDistributionLogNormal | Log-normal distribution |
CDistributionLorentz | Lorentz distribution with half width hwhm |
CDistributionTrapezoid | Trapezoidal distribution |
►CIFactory | |
CSampleBuilderFactory | Factory to create standard pre-defined samples |
►CIFootprintFactor | |
CFootprintGauss | Gaussian beam footprint |
CFootprintSquare | Rectangular beam footprint |
►CIFormFactor | |
CFormFactorCrystal | The form factor of a MesoCrystal |
CFormFactorWeighted | Coherent sum of different scalar IFormFactors with different weights |
►CIFormFactorPolyhedron | |
CFormFactorAnisoPyramid | A frustum (truncated pyramid) with rectangular base |
CFormFactorCantellatedCube | A cube, with truncation of all edges and corners, as in Croset (2017) Fig 7 |
CFormFactorCone6 | A frustum (truncated pyramid) with regular hexagonal base |
CFormFactorCuboctahedron | A truncated bifrustum with quadratic base |
CFormFactorDodecahedron | A regular dodecahedron |
CFormFactorIcosahedron | A regular icosahedron |
CFormFactorPyramid | A frustum with a quadratic base |
CFormFactorTetrahedron | A frustum with equilateral trigonal base |
CFormFactorTruncatedCube | A cube, with tetrahedral truncation of all corners |
►CIFormFactorPrism | |
CFormFactorBox | A rectangular prism (parallelepiped) |
CFormFactorPrism3 | A prism based on an equilateral triangle |
CFormFactorPrism6 | A prism based on a regular hexagonal |
►CIFTDecayFunction1D | |
CFTDecayFunction1DCauchy | One-dimensional Cauchy decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-|x|/decay_length) in real space |
CFTDecayFunction1DGauss | One-dimensional Gauss decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp[-x^2/(2*decay_length^2)] in real space |
CFTDecayFunction1DTriangle | One-dimensional triangle decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to 1-|x|/decay_length if |x|<decay_length (and 0 otherwise) in real space |
CFTDecayFunction1DVoigt | One-dimensional pseudo-Voigt decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy |
►CIFTDecayFunction2D | |
CFTDecayFunction2DCauchy | Two-dimensional Cauchy decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-r) in real space, with |
CFTDecayFunction2DGauss | Two-dimensional Gauss decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-r^2/2) in real space, with |
CFTDecayFunction2DVoigt | Two-dimensional pseudo-Voigt decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy |
►CIFTDistribution1D | |
CFTDistribution1DCauchy | Exponential IFTDistribution1D exp(-|omega*x|); its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Cauchy-Lorentzian starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DCosine | IFTDistribution1D consisting of one cosine wave [1+cos(pi*x/omega) if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) starts at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DGate | Square gate IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DGauss | Gaussian IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Gaussian starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DTriangle | Triangle IFTDistribution1D [1-|x|/omega if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a squared sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DVoigt | IFTDistribution1D that provides a Fourier transform evaluate(q) in form of a pseudo-Voigt decay function eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy, with both components starting at 1 for q=0 |
►CIFTDistribution2D | |
CFTDistribution2DCauchy | Two-dimensional Cauchy distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to a normalized exp(-r) in real space, with |
CFTDistribution2DCone | Two-dimensional cone distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to 1-r if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space with |
CFTDistribution2DGate | Two-dimensional gate distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized constant if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space, with |
CFTDistribution2DGauss | Two-dimensional Gauss distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized exp(-r^2/2) in real space with |
CFTDistribution2DVoigt | Two-dimensional Voigt distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy |
►CIHistogram | |
CHistogram1D | One dimensional histogram |
CHistogram2D | Two dimensional histogram |
►CIInterferenceFunction | |
CInterferenceFunction1DLattice | Interference function of a 1D lattice |
CInterferenceFunction2DLattice | Interference function of a 2D lattice |
CInterferenceFunction2DParaCrystal | Interference function of a 2D paracrystal |
CInterferenceFunction2DSuperLattice | Interference function of a 2D superlattice with a configurable interference function for each lattice site |
CInterferenceFunction3DLattice | Interference function of a 3D lattice |
CInterferenceFunctionFinite2DLattice | Interference function of a finite 2D lattice |
CInterferenceFunctionFinite3DLattice | Interference function of a finite 3D lattice |
CInterferenceFunctionHardDisk | Percus-Yevick hard disk interference function |
CInterferenceFunctionNone | Default interference function (i.e |
CInterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal | Interference function of radial paracrystal |
CInterferenceFunctionTwin | Interference function for two particles at a mean distance and given standard deviation from each other in a given direction |
►CINode | |
CBeam | An incident neutron or x-ray beam |
CLattice2D | A two-dimensional Bravais lattice |
CLattice3D | A Bravais lattice, characterized by three basis vectors, and optionally an ISelectionRule |
CIntensityDataIOFactory | Provides users with possibility to read and write IntensityData from/to files in different format |
►CIParameter | |
CRealParameter | Wraps a parameter of type double |
►CIParametricComponent | |
CParameterDistribution | A parametric distribution function, for use with any model parameter |
►CIParticle | |
CMesoCrystal | A particle with an internal structure of smaller particles |
CParticle | A particle with a form factor and refractive index |
CParticleComposition | A composition of particles at fixed positions |
CParticleCoreShell | A particle with a core/shell geometry |
►CIRangedDistribution | |
CRangedDistributionCosine | Cosine distribution |
CRangedDistributionGate | Uniform distribution function |
CRangedDistributionGaussian | Gaussian distribution with standard deviation std_dev |
CRangedDistributionLogNormal | Log-normal distribution |
CRangedDistributionLorentz | Lorentz distribution with median and hwhm |
►CIResolutionFunction2D | |
CResolutionFunction2DGaussian | Simple gaussian two-dimensional resolution function |
►CIRotation | |
CIdentityRotation | The identity rotation, which leaves everything in place |
CRotationEuler | A sequence of rotations about the z-x'-z'' axes |
CRotationX | A rotation about the x axis |
CRotationY | A rotation about the y axis |
CRotationZ | A rotation about the z axis |
►CISampleNode | |
CCrystal | A crystal structure, defined by a Bravais lattice, a basis, and a position variance |
CLayer | A layer in a MultiLayer sample |
CLayerRoughness | A roughness of interface between two layers |
CMultiLayer | Our sample model: a stack of layers one below the other |
CParticleLayout | Decorator class that adds particles to ISampleNode objects |
►CISawtoothRipple | |
CFormFactorSawtoothRippleBox | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with box profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorSawtoothRippleGauss | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Gaussian profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorSawtoothRippleLorentz | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Lorentz form factor in elongation direction |
►CIShape2D | |
CEllipse | An ellipse, for use in detector masks |
CHorizontalLine | An infinite horizontal line |
CLine | A line segment, for use in detector masks |
CPolygon | A polygon, for use in detector masks |
CRectangle | A rectangle, for use in detector masks |
CVerticalLine | An infinite vertical line |
►CISimulation | |
CDepthProbeSimulation | |
CSpecularSimulation | Main class to run a specular simulation |
►CISimulation2D | |
CGISASSimulation | Main class to run a Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle Scattering simulation |
COffSpecularSimulation | Main class to run an off-specular simulation |
►CISpecularScan | |
CAngularSpecScan | Scan type with inclination angles as coordinate values and a unique wavelength |
CQSpecScan | Scan type with z-components of scattering vector as coordinate values |
CIterationInfo | Stores fit iteration info to track fit flow from various observers |
►CIVarianceFunction | |
CVarianceConstantFunction | Returns 1.0 as variance value |
CVarianceSimFunction | Returns max(sim, epsilon) |
Cmumufit::Minimizer | A main class to run fitting |
CMinimizerCatalog | Hard-coded information about all minimizers available |
CMinimizerFactory | Factory to create minimizers |
Cmumufit::MinimizerResult | Result of minimization round |
COutputData< T > | Templated class to store data of type double or CumulativeValue in multi-dimensional space |
COutputData< bool > | |
COutputData< double > | |
Cmumufit::Parameter | A fittable parameter with value, error, step, and limits |
Cmumufit::Parameters | A collection of fit parameters |
CParameterSample | A parameter value with a weight, as obtained when sampling from a distribution |
CPyBuilderCallback | Builds simulation object using a Python callable |
CPyCallback | Base class to wrap Python callable and pass it to C++ |
CPyObserverCallback | Observer for FitObjective based on Python callable |
CRealLimits | Limits for a real fit parameter |
CLattice2D::ReciprocalBases | |
CRoughnessModelWrap | |
CSimulationOptions | Collect the different options for simulation |
CSimulationResult | Wrapper around OutputData<double> that also provides unit conversions |
CThreadInfo | Information to run simulation with dedicated number of threads |
CTransform3D | Vector transformations in three dimensions |
CWavevectorInfo | Holds all wavevector information relevant for calculating form factors |