Simulate and fit neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence
►NArrayUtils | Array and Numpy utility functions getShape, createNumpyArray |
►NExceptions | Different exceptions, all inheriting from std::exception |
►NFit | Objective function types |
►NPrecomputed | Compile-time generated std::array of reciprocal factorials |
CAlgorithmInfo | A name and a description |
CAngularSpecScan | Scan type with inclination angles as coordinate values and a unique wavelength |
CAsymRippleBuilder | |
CAttLimits | Attributes and limits of a fit parameter, and coupling between these properties |
CAttributes | Attributes for a fit parameter |
CAveragedSlicedCylindersBuilder | Provides exactly the same sample as SLDSlicedCylindersBuilder, but with cylinders represented as homogeneous layers |
CAxes | Wrapper for detector axes units, required for a better representation of detector axes units in python |
CAxisInfo | Information about an axis in specific units |
CBaseMaterialImpl | Interface for material implementation classes |
CBasic2DLatticeBuilder | Builds sample: 2D lattice with arbitrary angle and different lattice length_1 and length_2 |
CBasic2DParaCrystalBuilder | Builds sample: basic two dimensional paracrystal with various probability distribution functions (PDF's) |
CBasicLattice | |
CBasicVector3D | Forked from CLHEP/Geometry by E |
CBeam | Beam defined by wavelength, direction and intensity |
CBin1D | |
CBin1DCVector | An one-dimensional range of cvector_t's |
CBin1DKVector | An one-dimensional range of kvector_t's |
CBox | |
CBoxCompositionRotateXBuilder | Two boxes in particle composition rotated in X by 90 degrees |
CBoxCompositionRotateYBuilder | Two boxes in particle composition rotated in Y by 90 degrees |
CBoxCompositionRotateZandYBuilder | Two boxes in particle composition rotated in Z and Y by 90 degrees |
CBoxCompositionRotateZBuilder | Two boxes in particle composition rotated in Z by 90 degrees |
CBoxesSquareLatticeBuilder | Builds sample: square boxes in a square lattice |
CBoxStackCompositionBuilder | Two different boxes are first rotated and then composed, composition is then rotated |
CCenteredSquareLatticeBuilder | Builds sample: 2D lattice with different disorder (IsGISAXS example #6) |
CChi2Metric | Implementation of the standard metric derived from maximum likelihood with Gaussian uncertainties |
CChiModuleWrapper | Metric wrapper for back-compaptibility with old scripts |
CChiSquaredModule | Calculation of chi2 between two data sets |
CCloneableVector | A vector of unique pointers to objects that are cloneable |
CComplexIntegrator | To integrate a complex function of a real variable |
CComputationStatus | Completion status (flag and text) of a numeric computation |
CConesWithLimitsDistributionBuilder | Cones with the distribution applied to the angle and RealLimits defined |
CConstantBackground | Class representing a constant background signal |
CConstKBinAxis | Axis with fixed bin size in sin(angle) space |
CConvolutionDetectorResolution | Convolutes the intensity in 1 or 2 dimensions with a resolution function |
CConvolve | Convolution of two real vectors (in 1D or 2D) using Fast Fourier Transform |
CCoreShellBoxRotateZandYBuilder | Rotation and translation of core shell box particle in 3 layers system |
CCoreShellParticleBuilder | Builds sample: Core Shell Nanoparticles (IsGISAXS example #11) |
CCosineRippleBuilder | Builds sample: cosine ripple within the 1D-paracrystal model |
CCrystal | A crystal structure with a ParticleComposition as a basis |
CCumulativeValue | The cumulative value with average and rms on-the-flight calculations |
CCustomBinAxis | Axis with fixed bin size in sin(angle) space used for numerical comparison with IsGisaxs |
CCustomMorphologyBuilder | Builds sample: mixture of different particles (IsGISAXS example #7) |
CCylindersAndPrismsBuilder | Builds sample: mixture of cylinders and prisms without interference (IsGISAXS example #1) |
CCylindersInBABuilder | Builds sample: cylinder form factor in BA (IsGISAXS example #3, part II) |
CCylindersInDWBABuilder | Builds sample: cylinder form factor in DWBA (IsGISAXS example #3, part I) |
CCylindersInSSCABuilder | Builds sample: size spacing correlation approximation (IsGISAXS example #15) |
CCylindersWithSizeDistributionBuilder | Cylinders in BA with size distributions (IsGISAXS example #3, part II) |
CDecouplingApproximationStrategy | Strategy class to compute the total scattering from a particle layout in the decoupling approximation |
CDelayedProgressCounter | Counter for reporting progress (with delay interval) in a threaded computation |
CDepthProbeComputation | Performs a single-threaded depth probe computation with given sample |
CDepthProbeComputationTerm | |
CDepthProbeConverter | DepthProbeConverter class handles the unit translations for depth probe simulations Its default units are radians for x-axis and nm for y-axis |
CDepthProbeElement | |
CDepthProbeSimulation | |
CDetectionProperties | Detector properties (efficiency, transmission) |
CDetectorContext | Holds precalculated information for faster SimulationElement generation |
CDetectorMask | Collection of detector masks |
CDistribution1DCauchySampler | |
CDistribution1DCosineSampler | |
CDistribution1DGateSampler | |
CDistribution1DGaussSampler | |
CDistribution1DTriangleSampler | |
CDistribution2DCauchySampler | |
CDistribution2DConeSampler | |
CDistribution2DGateSampler | |
CDistribution2DGaussSampler | |
CDistributionCosine | Cosine distribution |
CDistributionGate | Uniform distribution function with half width hwhm |
CDistributionGaussian | Gaussian distribution with standard deviation std_dev |
CDistributionHandler | Provides the functionality to average over parameter distributions with weights |
CDistributionLogNormal | Log-normal distribution |
CDistributionLorentz | Lorentz distribution with half width hwhm |
CDistributionTrapezoid | Trapezoidal distribution |
CDoubleEllipse | |
CDWBAComputation | Performs a single-threaded DWBA computation with given sample and simulation parameters |
CDWBASingleComputation | Class that handles all the computations involved in GISAS (particles, roughness,...) for a single detector bin |
CEllipse | Ellipse shape |
CFeNiBilayerBuilder | |
CFeNiBilayerNCBuilder | |
CFeNiBilayerSpinFlipBuilder | |
CFeNiBilayerSpinFlipNCBuilder | |
CFeNiBilayerSpinFlipTanhBuilder | |
CFeNiBilayerTanhBuilder | |
CFiniteSquareLatticeBuilder | Builds sample: 2D finite lattice with thermal disorder |
CFitObjective | Holds vector of SimDataPair s (experimental data and simulation results) for use in fitting |
CFitObserver | Contains collection of observers and call them at specified intervals |
CFitOptions | General fitting options |
CFitPrintService | Prints fit statistics to standard output during minimizer iterations |
CFitStatus | Contains status of the fitting (running, interupted etc) and all intermediate information which has to be collected during the fit |
CFixedBinAxis | Axis with fixed bin size |
CFixedBuilder | A trivial sample builder class that builds a fixed sample |
CFootprintGauss | Calculates footprint coefficient for a gaussian beam Beam width is interpreted as the full width on the level of |
CFootprintSquare | Calculates footprint coefficient for a square beam |
CFormFactorAnisoPyramid | A frustum (truncated pyramid) with rectangular base |
CFormFactorBAPol | Evaluates the matrix BA term in a polarized IFormFactor |
CFormFactorBarGauss | The form factor of an elongated bar, with Gaussian profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorBarLorentz | The form factor of an elongated, with Lorentz form factor in elongation direction |
CFormFactorBox | A rectangular prism (parallelepiped) |
CFormFactorCantellatedCube | A cube, with truncation of all edges and corners, as in Croset (2017) Fig 7 |
CFormFactorCoherentPart | Information about single particle form factor and specular info of the embedding layer |
CFormFactorCoherentSum | Information about particle form factor and abundance |
CFormFactorComponents | Predefined form factors for functional tests |
CFormFactorCone | A conical frustum (cone truncated parallel to the base) with circular base |
CFormFactorCone6 | A frustum (truncated pyramid) with regular hexagonal base |
CFormFactorCoreShell | Form Factor for a core shell particle |
CFormFactorCosineRippleBox | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with box profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorCosineRippleGauss | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Gaussian profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorCosineRippleLorentz | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Lorentz form factor in elongation direction |
CFormFactorCrystal | The form factor of a MesoCrystal |
CFormFactorCuboctahedron | A truncated bifrustum with quadratic base |
CFormFactorCylinder | A circular cylinder |
CFormFactorDecoratorMaterial | Decorates a scalar formfactor with the correct factor for the material's refractive index and that of its surrounding material |
CFormFactorDecoratorPositionFactor | Decorates a form factor with a position dependent phase factor |
CFormFactorDecoratorRotation | Equips a form factor with a rotation |
CFormFactorDodecahedron | A regular dodecahedron |
CFormFactorDot | A dot, with scattering power as a sphere of radius rscat, but with F(q)=const |
CFormFactorDWBA | Evaluates the coherent sum of the four DWBA terms in a scalar IFormFactor |
CFormFactorDWBAPol | Evaluates the coherent sum of the 16 matrix DWBA terms in a polarized IFormFactor |
CFormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder | A cylinder with elliptical base |
CFormFactorFullSphere | A full sphere |
CFormFactorFullSpheroid | A full spheroid (an ellipsoid with two equal axes, hence with circular cross section) |
CFormFactorGaussSphere | The form factor of a Gaussian sphere |
CFormFactorHemiEllipsoid | An hemi ellipsoid, obtained by truncating a full ellipsoid in the middle plane spanned by two principal axes |
CFormFactorHollowSphere | Integrated full sphere form factor over a uniform distribution of radii |
CFormFactorIcosahedron | A regular icosahedron |
CFormFactorLongBoxGauss | The form factor for a long rectangular box |
CFormFactorLongBoxLorentz | The form factor for a long rectangular box |
CFormFactorPrism3 | A prism based on an equilateral triangle |
CFormFactorPrism6 | A prism based on a regular hexagonal |
CFormFactorPyramid | A frustum with a quadratic base |
CFormFactorSawtoothRippleBox | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with box profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorSawtoothRippleGauss | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Gaussian profile in elongation direction |
CFormFactorSawtoothRippleLorentz | The form factor for a cosine ripple, with Lorentz form factor in elongation direction |
CFormFactorSphereGaussianRadius | A sphere with gaussian radius distribution |
CFormFactorSphereLogNormalRadius | A sphere with log normal radius distribution |
CFormFactorTetrahedron | A frustum with equilateral trigonal base |
CFormFactorTruncatedCube | A cube, with tetrahedral truncation of all corners |
CFormFactorTruncatedSphere | A truncated Sphere |
CFormFactorTruncatedSpheroid | A truncated spheroid |
CFormFactorWeighted | Coherent sum of different scalar IFormFactor's with different weights |
CFourierTransform | Fourier transform of vectors (in 1D or 2D) using Fast Fourier Transform (fftw package) |
CFTDecayFunction1DCauchy | One-dimensional Cauchy decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-|x|/decay_length) in real space |
CFTDecayFunction1DGauss | One-dimensional Gauss decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp[-x^2/(2*decay_length^2)] in real space |
CFTDecayFunction1DTriangle | One-dimensional triangle decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to 1-|x|/decay_length if |x|<decay_length (and 0 otherwise) in real space |
CFTDecayFunction1DVoigt | One-dimensional pseudo-Voigt decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy |
CFTDecayFunction2DCauchy | Two-dimensional Cauchy decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-r) in real space, with |
CFTDecayFunction2DGauss | Two-dimensional Gauss decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to exp(-r^2/2) in real space, with |
CFTDecayFunction2DVoigt | Two-dimensional pseudo-Voigt decay function in reciprocal space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy |
CFTDistribution1DCauchy | Exponential IFTDistribution1D exp(-|omega*x|); its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Cauchy-Lorentzian starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DCosine | IFTDistribution1D consisting of one cosine wave [1+cos(pi*x/omega) if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) starts at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DGate | Square gate IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DGauss | Gaussian IFTDistribution1D; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a Gaussian starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DTriangle | Triangle IFTDistribution1D [1-|x|/omega if |x|<omega, and 0 otherwise]; its Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a squared sinc function starting at evaluate(0)=1 |
CFTDistribution1DVoigt | IFTDistribution1D that provides a Fourier transform evaluate(q) in form of a pseudo-Voigt decay function eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy, with both components starting at 1 for q=0 |
CFTDistribution2DCauchy | Two-dimensional Cauchy distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to a normalized exp(-r) in real space, with |
CFTDistribution2DComponents | Predefined Fourier transformed distributions for functional tests |
CFTDistribution2DCone | Two-dimensional cone distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to 1-r if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space with |
CFTDistribution2DGate | Two-dimensional gate distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized constant if r<1 (and 0 otherwise) in real space, with |
CFTDistribution2DGauss | Two-dimensional Gauss distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to normalized exp(-r^2/2) in real space with |
CFTDistribution2DVoigt | Two-dimensional Voigt distribution in Fourier space; corresponds to eta*Gauss + (1-eta)*Cauchy |
CGaussFisherPeakShape | A peak shape that is Gaussian in the radial direction and uses the Mises-Fisher distribution in the angular direction |
CGeneticMinimizer | Wrapper for the CERN ROOT Genetic minimizer |
CGISASSimulation | Main class to run a Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle Scattering simulation |
CGISASSpecularComputation | Computes the specular signal in the bin where q_parallel = 0 |
CGSLLevenbergMarquardtMinimizer | It's a facade to ROOT::Math::GSLNLSMinimizer which, in turn, is a facade to the actual GSL's gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type ( |
CGSLMultiMinimizer | Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the GSL multi minimizer family (gradient descent based) |
CHardDiskBuilder | Builds sample: cylinders with hard disk Percus-Yevick interference |
CHexagonalLattice | |
CHexParaCrystalBuilder | Builds sample: cylinders with 2DDL structure factor (IsGISAXS example #4) |
CHistogram1D | One dimensional histogram |
CHistogram2D | Two dimensional histogram |
CHomogeneousMultilayerBuilder | Builds a sample with 10 interchanging homogeneous layers of Ti and Ni on silicone substrate |
CHomogeneousRegion | Struct that contains information on a single homogeneous region of a particle inside a single layer |
CHorizontalLine | An infinite horizontal line |
CIAbstractParticle | Interface for a generic particle |
CIAxis | Interface for one-dimensional axes |
CIBackground | Interface for a simulating the background signal |
CIChiSquaredModule | Interface residual calculations |
CICloneable | Interface for polymorphic classes that should not be copied, except by explicit cloning |
CIClusteredParticles | An ordered assembly of particles |
CIComputation | Interface for a single-threaded computation with given range of SimulationElements and ProgressHandler |
CICosineRipple | Base class for form factors with a cosine ripple profile in the yz plane |
CIdentityRotation | The identity rotation, which leaves everything in place |
CIDetector | Abstract detector interface |
CIDetector2D | Abstract 2D detector interface |
CIDetectorResolution | Interface for detector resolution algorithms |
CIDistribution1D | Interface for one-dimensional distributions |
CIDistribution1DSampler | |
CIDistribution2DSampler | |
CIFactory | Base class for all factories |
CIFootprintFactor | Abstract base for classes that calculate the beam footprint factor |
CIFormFactor | Pure virtual base class for all form factors |
CIFormFactorBorn | Pure virtual base class for Born form factors |
CIFormFactorDecorator | Encapsulates another formfactor and adds extra functionality (a scalar factor, a position-dependent phase factor, ...) |
CIFormFactorPolyhedron | A polyhedron, for form factor computation |
CIFormFactorPrism | A prism with a polygonal base, for form factor computation |
CIFresnelMap | Holds the necessary information to calculate the radiation wavefunction in every layer for different incoming (outgoing) angles of the beam in the top layer (these amplitudes correspond to the specular part of the wavefunction) |
CIFTDecayFunction1D | Interface for a one-dimensional decay function, with evaluate(q) returning the Fourier transform, normalized to |
CIFTDecayFunction2D | Interface for two-dimensional decay function in reciprocal space |
CIFTDistribution1D | Interface for a one-dimensional distribution, with normalization adjusted so that the Fourier transform evaluate(q) is a decay function that starts at evaluate(0)=1 |
CIFTDistribution2D | Interface for two-dimensional distributions in Fourier space |
CIHistogram | Base class for 1D and 2D histograms holding values of double type |
CIIntensityFunction | Interface for applying arbitrary function to the measured intensity |
CIInterferenceFunction | Pure virtual base class of interference functions |
CIInterferenceFunctionStrategy | Base class of all interference function strategy classes |
CILatticeOrientation | |
CILayerRTCoefficients | Interface to access reflection/transmission coefficients |
CILayout | Pure virtual interface class to equip a sample layer with scattering properties |
CIMetricWrapper | |
CIMinimizer | Pure virtual interface for all kind minimizers |
CInfinitePlane | The infinite plane is used for masking everything once and forever |
CINode | Base class for tree-like structures containing parameterized objects |
CINodeVisitor | Visitor interface to visit ISample objects |
CInstrument | Assembles beam, detector and their relative positions with respect to the sample |
►CIntegratorMCMiser | Template class to use Monte Carlo MISER integration of class member functions |
CIntensityDataIOFactory | Provides users with possibility to read and write IntensityData from/to files in different format |
CIntensityFunctionLog | Algorithm for applying log function to the measured intensity |
CIntensityFunctionSqrt | Algorithm for applying sqrt function to the measured intensity |
CInterferenceFunction1DLattice | Interference function of a 1D lattice |
CInterferenceFunction2DLattice | Interference function of a 2D lattice |
CInterferenceFunction2DParaCrystal | Interference function of a 2D paracrystal |
CInterferenceFunction2DSuperLattice | Interference function of a 2D superlattice with a configurable interference function for each lattice site |
CInterferenceFunction3DLattice | Interference function of a 3D lattice |
CInterferenceFunctionFinite2DLattice | Interference function of a finite 2D lattice |
CInterferenceFunctionFinite3DLattice | Interference function of a finite 3D lattice |
CInterferenceFunctionHardDisk | Percus-Yevick hard disk interference function |
CInterferenceFunctionNone | Default interference function (i.e |
CInterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal | Interference function of radial paracrystal |
CInterferenceFunctionTwin | Interference function for two particles at a mean distance and given standard deviation from each other in a given direction |
CIObservable | Observable interface from Observer pattern |
CIObserver | Observer interface from Observer pattern |
CIOutputDataReadStrategy | Interface for reading strategy of OutputData from file |
CIOutputDataWriteStrategy | Strategy interface to write OututData in file |
CIParameter | Pure virtual base class for parameter wrapper classes RealParameter, ComponentParameter |
CIParameterized | Manages a local parameter pool, and a tree of child pools |
CIParticle | Pure virtual base class for Particle, ParticleComposition, ParticleCoreShell, MesoCrystal |
CIPeakShape | Pure virtual interface class that defines the peak shape of a Bragg peak |
CIPixel | Interface for a function that maps [0,1]x[0,1] to the kvectors in a pixel |
CIProfileRectangularRipple | Base class for form factors with a rectangular ripple (bar) profile in the yz plane |
CIProfileRipple | Base class for form factors with a cosine ripple profile in the yz plane |
CIRegistry | Templated object registry |
CIResolutionFunction2D | Interface providing two-dimensional resolution function |
CIRotation | Pure virtual interface for rotations |
CISample | Pure virtual base class for sample components and properties related to scattering |
CISampleBuilder | Interface to the class capable to build samples to simulate |
CISawtoothRipple | Base class for form factors with a triangular ripple profile in the yz plane |
CISelectionRule | Pure virtual base class for selection rules |
CIsGISAXSDetector | A spherical detector used for validation with IsGISAXS results |
CIShape | Pure virtual base class for different shapes |
CIShape2D | Basic class for all shapes in 2D |
CIsotropicGaussPeakShape | Class that implements an isotropic Gaussian peak shape of a Bragg peak |
CIsotropicLorentzPeakShape | An isotropic Lorentzian peak shape of a Bragg peak |
CISpecularScan | Pure virtual base class for all types of specular scans |
CISpecularStrategy | Interface for the Fresnel computations, both in the scalar and magnetic case |
CIterationInfo | Stores fit iteration info to track fit flow from various observers |
CIterationStrategy | Abstract base class for tree traversal strategies, for use in INodeVisitor |
CIteratorMemento | Holds all iterator states encountered for SampleTreeIterator |
CIteratorState | Holds state of iterator at single level for SampleTreeIterator |
CIUnitConverter | Interface to provide axis translations to different units for simulation output |
CIVarianceFunction | Variance function interface |
CLabelMap | |
CLargeCylindersInDWBABuilder | Builds sample with large cylinders for MC integration tests |
CLattice | A lattice with three basis vectors |
CLattice1DBuilder | Builds sample: cylinders with 1DDL structure factor |
►CLattice2D | |
CLayer | A layer, with thickness (in nanometer) and material |
CLayerFillLimits | Helper class for the graded layer approximation |
CLayerInterface | Interface between two layers, possibly with roughness |
CLayerRoughness | A roughness of interface between two layers |
CLayersWithAbsorptionBuilder | Generates a multilayer with 3 layers with absorption (refractive index has imaginary part) |
CLayersWithAbsorptionBySLDBuilder | Generates a multilayer with 3 layers with absorption (refractive index has imaginary part) |
CLayoutStrategyBuilder | Methods to generate a simulation strategy for a ParticleLayoutComputation |
CLine | A line segment |
CLinkedBoxDistributionBuilder | Distribution of boxes with main parameter and two linked parameters |
CLLData | Template class to store data of any type in multi-dimensional space (low-level) |
CLogMetric | Implementation of the standard metric with intensity and experimental data being replaced by and accordingly |
CLorentzFisherPeakShape | A peak shape that is Lorentzian in the radial direction and uses the Mises-Fisher distribution in the angular direction |
CMagneticCylindersBuilder | Builds sample: cylinders with magnetic material and non-zero magnetic field |
CMagneticLayerBuilder | Builds sample: magnetic spheres in a magnetized layer on a non-magnetized substrate |
CMagneticMaterialImpl | Basic implementation for magnetized material |
CMagneticParticleZeroFieldBuilder | Builds sample: cylinders with magnetic material and zero magnetic field |
CMagneticRotationBuilder | Builds sample: rotated magnetic spheres in substrate layer with a unit magnetic field |
CMagneticSpheresBuilder | Builds sample: spheres with magnetization inside substrate |
CMagneticSubstrateZeroFieldBuilder | Builds sample: spheres in substrate layer with a zero magnetic field |
CMaterial | A wrapper for underlying material implementation |
CMaterialBySLDImpl | Material implementation based on wavelength-independent data (valid for a range of wavelengths) |
CMatrixFresnelMap | Implementation of IFresnelMap for matrix valued reflection/transmission coefficients |
CMatrixRTCoefficients | Specular reflection and transmission coefficients in a layer in case of 2x2 matrix interactions between the layers and the scattered particle |
CMatrixRTCoefficients_v2 | Specular reflection and transmission coefficients in a layer in case of magnetic interactions between the scattered particle and the layer |
CMatrixRTCoefficients_v3 | Specular reflection and transmission coefficients in a layer in case of magnetic interactions between the scattered particle and the layer |
CMesoCrystal | A particle with an internal structure of smaller particles |
CMesoCrystalBuilder | Builds sample: cylindrical mesocrystal composed of spheres in a cubic lattice |
CMillerIndex | A direction in reciprocal space, specified by double-valued indices hkl |
CMillerIndexOrientation | Specifies a rotation of a lattice through the Miller indices of two coordinate axes |
CMinimizerCatalog | Hard-coded information about all minimizers available |
CMinimizerFactory | Factory to create minimizers |
CMinimizerInfo | Info about a minimizer, including list of defined minimization algorithms |
CMinimizerOptions | Collection of internal minimizer settings |
CMinimizerTestPlan | Defines objective function to fit, expected minimum, initial fit parameters and expected values of fit parameters at minimum |
CMinuit2Minimizer | Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the Minuit2 minimizer |
CMisesFisherGaussPeakShape | A peak shape that is Gaussian in the radial direction and a convolution of a Mises-Fisher distribution with a Mises distribution on the two-sphere |
CMisesGaussPeakShape | A peak shape that is a convolution of a Mises-Fisher distribution with a 3d Gaussian |
CMPISimulation | |
CMultiLayer | Our sample model: a stack of layers one below the other |
CMultiLayerWithNCRoughnessBuilder | Builds sample: layers with correlated roughness |
CMultiLayerWithRoughnessBuilder | Builds sample: layers with correlated roughness |
CMultiOption | Stores a single option for minimization algorithm |
CMultipleLayoutBuilder | Builds sample: mixture of cylinders and prisms without interference, using multiple particle layouts |
CNodeIterator | Iterator through INode tree of objects |
CNodeMeta | Metadata of one model node |
CObjectiveMetric | Base class for metric implementations |
CObjectiveMetricWrapper | |
COffSpecSimulation | Main class to run an off-specular simulation |
COffSpecularConverter | IUnitConverter class that handles the unit translations for off-specular simulations with a spherical detector Its default units are radians for both axes |
COneSidedLimit | Helper class that represents a onesided limit |
COptionContainer | Stores multi option (int,double,string) in a container |
COrderedMap | Ordered map which saves the order of insertion |
COutputData | Template class to store data of any type in multi-dimensional space |
COutputDataIterator | Iterator for underlying OutputData container |
COutputDataReader | Reads OutputData from file using different reading strategies |
COutputDataReadFactory | Creates reader appropariate for given type of files |
COutputDataReadINTStrategy | Strategy to read BornAgain native IntensityData from ASCII file |
COutputDataReadNumpyTXTStrategy | Strategy to read OutputData from simple ASCII file with the layout as in numpy.savetxt |
COutputDataReadReflectometryStrategy | Strategy to read Reflectometry data from ASCII file |
COutputDataWriteFactory | Creates writer appropariate for given type of files |
COutputDataWriteINTStrategy | Strategy to write OutputData to special BornAgain ASCII format |
COutputDataWriteNumpyTXTStrategy | Strategy to write OutputData to simple ASCII file with the layout as in numpy.savetxt |
COutputDataWriter | Write OutputData to file using different witing strategies |
CParaMeta | Metadata of one model parameter |
CParameterDistribution | A parametric distribution function, for use with any model parameter |
CParameterPattern | Helper class for constructing parameter patterns |
CParameterPlan | Defines initial settings of single fit parameter and the final value which has to be found in the course of the fit |
CParameterPool | Container with parameters for IParameterized object |
CParameterSample | A parameter value with a weight, as obtained when sampling from a distribution |
CParticle | A particle with a form factor and refractive index |
CParticleComposition | A composition of particles at fixed positions |
CParticleCompositionBuilder | Builds sample: two layers of spheres at hex lattice |
CParticleCoreShell | A particle with a core/shell geometry |
CParticleDistribution | A particle type that is a parametric distribution of IParticle's |
CParticleInVacuumBuilder | Generates a multilayer with single vacuum layer populated with particles of certain types |
CParticleLayout | Decorator class that adds particles to ISample objects |
CParticleLayoutComputation | Computes the scattering contribution from one particle layout |
CParticleLimits | Vertical extension of a particle, specified by bottom and top z coordinate |
►CPlainMultiLayerBySLDBuilder | Builds a sample with 10 interchanging homogeneous layers of Ti and Ni on silicone substrate |
CPointwiseAxis | Axis containing arbitrary (non-equidistant) coordinate values |
CPoissonLikeMetric | Implementation of metric with standard deviation , where is the simulated intensity |
CPoissonNoiseBackground | Class representing Poisson noise on top of the scattered intensity |
CPolarizationHandler | Convenience class for handling polarization density matrix and polarization analyzer operator |
CPolygon | A polygon in 2D space |
CPolygonalTopology | For internal use in PolyhedralFace |
CPolygonPrivate | The private data for polygons to hide boost dependency from the header |
CPolyhedralEdge | One edge of a polygon, for form factor computation |
CPolyhedralFace | A polygon, for form factor computation |
CPolyhedralTopology | For internal use in IFormFactorPolyhedron |
CPolyhedron | A polyhedron, implementation class for use in IFormFactorPolyhedron |
CPostorderStrategy | Traverse tree; visit children before their parents |
CPreorderStrategy | Traverse tree; visit parents before their children |
CPrism | |
CProcessedLayout | Data structure that contains preprocessed data for a single layout |
CProcessedSample | Data structure that contains all the necessary data for scattering calculations |
CProfileHelper | Object that can generate the material profile of a sample as a function of depth |
CProgressHandler | Maintains information about progress of a computation |
CPyBuilderCallback | Builds simulation object using a Python callable |
CPyCallback | Base class to wrap Python callable and pass it to C++ |
CPyObserverCallback | Observer for FitObjective based on Python callable |
CQSpecScan | Scan type with z-components of scattering vector as coordinate values |
CRadialParaCrystalBuilder | Builds sample: cylinders with 1DDL structure factor (IsGISAXS example #4) |
CRangedDistribution | Interface for one-dimensional ranged distributions |
CRangedDistributionCosine | Cosine distribution |
CRangedDistributionGate | Uniform distribution function |
CRangedDistributionGaussian | Gaussian distribution with standard deviation std_dev |
CRangedDistributionLogNormal | Log-normal distribution |
CRangedDistributionLorentz | Lorentz distribution with median and hwhm |
CRealIntegrator | To integrate a real function of a real variable |
CRealLimits | Limits for a real fit parameter |
CRealParameter | Wraps a parameter of type double |
CRectangle | The rectangle shape having its axis aligned to the (non-rotated) coordinate system |
CRectangularConverter | IUnitConverter class that handles the unit translations for rectangular detectors Its default units are mm for both axes |
CRectangularDetector | A flat rectangular detector with axes and resolution function |
CRectangularPixel | A pixel in a RectangularDetector |
CRectParaCrystalBuilder | Builds sample: 2D paracrystal lattice (IsGISAXS example #8) |
CRefractiveMaterialImpl | Material implementation based on refractive coefficiencts (valid for one wavelength value only) |
CRegionOfInterest | Defines rectangular area for the detector which will be simulated/fitted |
CRelativeDifferenceMetric | Implementation of relative difference metric |
CResolutionFunction2DGaussian | Simple gaussian two-dimensional resolution function |
CResonatorBuilder | Builds sample: multilayer with Ti/Pt layers sequence |
CRippleCosine | |
CRippleSawtooth | |
CRootMinimizerAdapter | Pure virtual interface that adapts the CERN ROOT minimizer to our IMinimizer |
CRootResidualFunction | Minimizer function with access to single data element residuals, required by Fumili2 and GSLMultiMin minimizers |
CRootScalarFunction | The chi2 function for use in minimizers |
CRotatedCylindersBuilder | Builds sample: cylinder form factor in DWBA (IsGISAXS example #3, part I) |
CRotatedPyramidsBuilder | Builds sample: Pyramids, rotated pyramids on top of substrate (IsGISAXS example #9) |
CRotatedPyramidsDistributionBuilder | Rotated Pyramids with the distribution applied to the rotation angle |
CRotatedSquareLatticeBuilder | Builds sample: 2D lattice with different disorder (IsGISAXS example #6) |
CRotationEuler | A sequence of rotations about the z-x'-z'' axes |
CRotationX | A rotation about the x axis |
CRotationY | A rotation about the y axis |
CRotationZ | A rotation about the z axis |
CRoughMultiLayerComputation | Computes the diffuse reflection from the rough interfaces of a multilayer |
CRoughnessModelWrap | |
CRQ4Metric | Implementation of relative difference metric |
CSafePointerVector | A vector of pointers, owned by *this, with methods to handle them safely |
CSampleBuilderFactory | Factory to create standard pre-defined samples |
CSampleBuilderNode | Wraps an ISampleBuilder, and puts it in an INode tree |
CSampleLabelHandler | The handler which construct labels for sample variables during python script generation |
CSampleProvider | Holds either a Sample, or a SampleBuilderNode (which holds an ISampleBuilder) |
CSampleToPython | Generates Python code snippet from domain (C++) objects representing sample construction |
CScalarFresnelMap | Implementation of IFresnelMap for scalar valued reflection/transmission coefficients |
CScalarRTCoefficients | Specular reflection and transmission coefficients in a layer in case of scalar interactions between the layers and the scattered particle |
CScanResolution | Container for reflectivity resolution data |
CSimAnMinimizer | Wrapper for the CERN ROOT facade of the GSL simmulated annealing minimizer |
CSimDataPair | Holds pair of simulation/experimental data to fit |
CSimpleMagneticLayerBuilder | Builds sample: ambient and one magnetized layer on a non-magnetized substrate |
CSimpleMagneticRotationBuilder | Builds sample: magnetic layer on a magnetic substrate with the fields rotated by 90° |
CSimpleSelectionRule | Selection rule (v*q)modulus!=0, defined by vector v(a,b,c) and modulus |
CSimulation | Pure virtual base class of OffSpecularSimulation, GISASSimulation and SpecularSimulation |
CSimulation2D | Pure virtual base class of OffSpecularSimulation and GISASSimulation |
CSimulationArea | Holds iteration logic over active detector channels in the presence of masked areas and RegionOfInterest defined |
CSimulationAreaIterator | An iterator for SimulationArea |
CSimulationElement | Data stucture containing both input and output of a single detector cell |
CSimulationFactory | Registry to create standard pre-defined simulations |
CSimulationOptions | Collect the different options for simulation |
CSimulationResult | Wrapper around OutputData<double> that also provides unit conversions |
CSimulationRoiArea | Holds iteration logic over active detector channels in the presence of ROI |
CSimulationToPython | Write a Python script that allows to run the current simulation |
CSizeDistributionDAModelBuilder | Creates the sample demonstrating size distribution model in decoupling approximation |
CSizeDistributionLMAModelBuilder | Creates the sample demonstrating size distribution model in local monodisperse approximation |
CSizeDistributionSSCAModelBuilder | Creates the sample demonstrating size distribution model in size space coupling approximation |
CSLDSlicedCylindersBuilder | Provides exactly the same sample as SlicedCylindersBuilder, but with sld-based materials |
CSlice | Data structure containing the data of a single slice, for calculating the Fresnel coefficients |
CSlicedCompositionBuilder | Builds sample: spherical composition made of top+bottom spherical cups |
CSlicedCylindersBuilder | Builds sample: cylinders on a silicon substrate |
CSlicedFormFactorList | Class that contains and owns a list of form factors and the index of their containing layer |
CSlicedParticle | Struct that contains information on a sliced particle |
CSlicingEffects | Nested structure that holds slicing effects on position and removed parts |
CSpecularComputation | Performs a single-threaded specular computation with given sample |
CSpecularComputationTerm | Computes the specular scattering |
CSpecularDetector1D | 1D detector for specular simulations |
CSpecularMagneticNewNCStrategy | Implements the magnetic Fresnel computation with Nevot-Croce roughness |
CSpecularMagneticNewStrategy | Implements the magnetic Fresnel computation with Nevot-Croce roughness |
CSpecularMagneticNewTanhStrategy | Implements the magnetic Fresnel computation with the analytical Tanh roughness |
CSpecularMagneticOldStrategy | Implements the matrix formalism for the calculation of wave amplitudes of the coherent wave solution in a multilayer with magnetization |
CSpecularMagneticStrategy | Implements the magnetic Fresnel computation without roughness |
CSpecularMatrixTerm | Computes the specular scattering for a magnetic sample Used by SpecularComputation |
CSpecularScalarNCStrategy | Implements Nevot-Croce roughness for a scaler computation |
CSpecularScalarStrategy | Implements the scalar Fresnel computation |
CSpecularScalarTanhStrategy | Implements an tanh transition function to model roughness in a scaler computation |
CSpecularScalarTerm | Computes the specular scattering for a scalar sample Used by SpecularComputation |
CSpecularSimulation | Main class to run a specular simulation |
CSpecularSimulationElement | Data stucture containing both input and output of a single image pixel for specular simulation |
CSpecularStrategyBuilder | |
CSpheresWithLimitsDistributionBuilder | Spherical particles with the distribution applied to the radius and RealLimits defined |
CSphericalConverter | IUnitConverter class that handles the unit translations for spherical detectors Its default units are radians for both axes |
CSphericalDetector | A spherical detector with axes and resolution function |
CSphericalPixel | A pixel in a SphericalDetector |
CSquareLattice | |
CSquareLatticeBuilder | Builds sample: 2D lattice with different disorder (IsGISAXS example #6) |
CSSCAHelper | Helper class for SSCApproximationStrategy, offering some methods, shared between the scalar and polarized scattering calculations |
CSSCApproximationStrategy | Strategy class to compute the total scattering from a particle layout in the size-spacing correlation approximation |
CSuperLatticeBuilder | Builds sample: 2D finite lattice of 2D finite lattices (superlattice) |
CTestMinimizer | A trivial minimizer that calls the objective function once. Used to test the whole chain |
CThickAbsorptiveSampleBuilder | |
CThreadInfo | Information to run simulation with dedicated number of threads |
CTRange | An interval [lowerBound..upperBound[ |
CTransform3D | Vector transformations in three dimensions |
CTransformBoxBuilder | Rotated box in 3 layers system |
CTriangularRippleBuilder | Builds sample: triangular ripple within the 1D-paracrystal model (from PRB 85, 235415, 2012) |
CTruncatedEllipsoid | |
CTSampledRange | An interval [lowerBound..upperBound[, and a number of samples |
CTwoLayerRoughnessBuilder | Builds sample: two layers with rough interface |
CTwoTypesCylindersDistributionBuilder | Builds mixture of cylinder particles with different size distribution (IsGISAXS example #2) |
CUnit | A physical unit |
CUnitConverter1D | Conversion of axis units for the case of 1D simulation result |
CUnitConverterConvSpec | Conversion of axis units for the case of conventional (angle-based) reflectometry |
CUnitConverterQSpec | Conversion of axis units for the case of q-defined reflectometry |
►CUnitConverterSimple | Interface for objects that provide axis translations to different units for IDetector objects |
CVariableBinAxis | Axis with variable bin size |
CVarianceConstantFunction | Returns 1.0 as variance value |
CVarianceSimFunction | Returns max(sim, epsilon) |
CVerticalLine | An infinite vertical line |
CWallclockTimer | A timer for measuring real (wall-clock) time spent between 'start' and 'stop' commands |
CWallclockTimerState | Internal state of a WallclockTimer object |
CWavevectorInfo | Holds all wavevector information relevant for calculating form factors |
CZLimits | Class that contains upper and lower limits of the z-coordinate for the slicing of form factors |