Install on Windows

BornAgain GUI application for Windows is provided as 64-bit installer; it requires Python libraries to be installed on the system for being run.

BornAgain Python package is available in PyPI repository and can be installed with pip. This package is required for running scripts or importing them into the GUI application.

To install and run BornAgain for the first time proceed with the following steps:

Install Python environment

Python environment is needed for running both GUI application and example scripts. The installer for appropriate version of Python can be downloaded from

Choose Python version according to the compatibility table:

BornAgain version Supported Python versions
20.0 3.8 to 3.10

Run the installer and follow the steps.

To use BornAgain GUI application, the installation directory should be added to the system PATH:

Ensure that pip package manager is checked for installation. Command

$ python -m ensurepip

will install pip if it is missing.

Install BornAgain Python package

BornAgain Python package in available in the public repository and can be installed with pip:

$ python -m pip install bornagain

Install BornAgain GUI application

BornAgain installation package can be downloaded from The installer should be chosen accordingly to the Python version installed on the destination machine, for example BornAgain-20.2-python3.9-win64.exe.

After downloading the installer, double click the .exe file and follow the instructions on the screen.

Use the BornAgain icon located on the desktop to start the GUI. Please refer to Using graphical user interface section for a basic overview of GUI functionality.


If you are experiencing problems while running BornAgain Python scripts please refer to the following tutorial.