To construct a particle made of a core and a shell, use
composite_particle = ba.CoreAndShell(core, shell, core_position=R3())
where core
and shell
typically are simple particles generated by the
Particle constructor.
The optional argument core_position
can be used to adjsut the position of the core particle.
It is equivalent to a prior call
core = core_raw.translate(core_position)
Note that core must be fully contained in shell. The scattering is computed as the coherent sum of the scattering from shell and core where the scattering power of the latter has been modified by subtracting the scattering power of the shell material.
Prior to BornAgain1.19.80, the constructor ParticleCoreShell
had the
opposite argument order, namely (shell, core)
See Core-and-shell example. Validated through an alternative implementation that uses particle composition, Examples/scatter2d/ .