Particle class


The standard way to add particles to a sample model is

particle = ...

layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
layout.addParticle(particle, abundance)

layer = ba.Layer(material, thickness)

sample = ba.Sample()
Vertical alignement

This will be revised soon. For the time being:

The bottommost point of a particle is placed at the bottom interface of the layer to which is added. Exception: if a particle is added to a bottom (substrate) layer, then the bottom of the particle is placed at the top interface of the layer.

Alignement can be changed with the translate function (see below).

Create a Particle instance

The particle in the above code snippet can be a simple or a composite particle.

To create a simple particle, use

particle = ba.Particle(material, formfactor)

For the constructor arguments, see sections Material and Formfactor.

To create a composed particle, see

Magnetization is supported as a material property.

Set location and orientation

To translate any particle, simple or composite, use either the vectorial form

from bornagain import R3
translation = R3(x, y, z)


particle.translate(x, y, z)

If z>0, then the particle is translated upwards.

To change the orientation, use code like

rotate = ba.RotationEuler(alpha, beta, gamma)
rotate = ba.RotationX(angle) # alternative

For more information on the argument, see Rotation.

Translations and rotations may be applied in any order. They are not commutative.