A truncated pyramid with rectangular base.
Pyramid2(L, W, H, alpha)
$H \le \dfrac{\tan\alpha}{2} min(L,W)$
As for any other Form factor.
Class Pyramid2 inherits from the interface class IFormfactor .
Form factor computation is based on the generic form factor of a polyhedron provided by libformfactor .
Volume has been validated against $$ V=H\Big[LW-\dfrac{(L+W)H}{\tan\alpha}+\dfrac{4}{3}\dfrac{H^2}{\tan^2\alpha}\Big]. $$
More special:
Scattering by uncorrelated, oriented pyramids for horizontal incidence. Rotation around $z$ axis:
Generated by Examples/ff/Pyramid2.py .
Was named “AnisoPyramid” up to BornAgain 1.19.
Agrees with the “In plane anisotropic pyramid” form factor of IsGISAXS [manual, Eq. 2.38-2.39; Renaud 2009, Eq. 216-217], except for different parametrization. This is not the “Anisotropic pyramid” of FitGISAXS, which is a true pyramid with an off-center apex [Babonneau 2013].