An upright circular cylinder.
Cylinder(R, H)
As for any other Form factor.
Class Cylinder inherits from the interface class IFormfactor .
Form factor is computed as
$$ F(\mathbf{q})=2\pi R^2H \space \exp\Big(iq_z\dfrac{H}{2}\Big) \text{sinc}\Big(q_z\dfrac{H}{2}\Big) \dfrac{J_1(q_{\parallel}R)}{q_{\parallel}R} , $$ with the notation $$ q_{||} := \sqrt{q_x^2 + q_y^2}. $$
Volume has been validated against $$V=\pi R^2H.$$
More general:
Scattering by uncorrelated, oriented cylinders for horizontal incidence. Rotation around $y$ axis:
Generated by Examples/ff/ .
This form factor is well known; it goes back to Lord Rayleigh.
In IsGISAXS and FitGISAXS, it has been implemented as form factor “Cylinder” [manual, Eq. 2.26; Renaud 2009, Eq. 223; Babonneau 2013].