A horizontal truncated circular cylinder.
Full form ```python HorizontalCylinder(R, H, b, t)
and short form
HorizontalCylinder(R, H) == HorizontalCylinder(R, H, -R, R)
$ -R \le b \le t \le R $
As for any other Form factor.
Class HorizontalCylinder inherits from the interface class IFormfactor .
Form factor is computed as
$$ F(\mathbf{q})=2 L \space \text{sinc}\Big(q_x\dfrac{L}{2}\Big) \int_{b}^{t} \text{d}z \space \sqrt{R^2-z^2} \space \text{sinc}(q_y\sqrt{R^2-z^2}) \exp[iq_z(z-b)] , $$
Volume has been validated against $$V=L \Big( t\sqrt{R^2-t^2}- b\sqrt{R^2-b^2} + R^2 \Big[\text{asin}\Big(\frac{t}{R}\Big) - \text{asin}\Big(\frac{b}{R}\Big) \Big] \Big).$$
More general:
Scattering by uncorrelated, oriented horizontal truncated cylinders for horizontal incidence. Rotation around $z$ axis:
Generated by Examples/ff/HorizontalCylinder.py .
Introduced in BornAgain 1.20.