In this example we are demonstrating how to run a typical fitting task in BornAgain using a third party minimizer while plotting the results. As in our previous example, we use lmfit for sake of illustration.
To plot the fit progress, it is needed to use the lmfit iteration callback function. It will come handy to define the plotting callback function as a specialized class:
class Plotter:
Adapts standard plotter for lmfit minimizer.
def __init__(self, fit_objective, every_nth = 10):
self.fit_objective = fit_objective
self.plotter_gisas = ba.PlotterGISAS()
self.every_nth = every_nth
def __call__(self, params, iter, resid):
if iter%self.every_nth == 0:
An instance of this class is then passed to the lmfit minimization function:
plotter = Plotter(fit_objective)
result = lmfit.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate_residuals, params, iter_cb=plotter)
The complete script to plot the fitting progress and the image produced by it are shown below.
Plotting the fitting progress of external minimizers