Class Datafield

The function simulation.simulate() returns an object of class Datafield.

A Datafield object contains

  • simulated radiation intensities,
  • coordinate axes, and
  • optionally, a title.


For plotting a Datafield object, our Python module ba_plot provides the function plot_simulation_result(result).


from bornagain import ba_plot as bp
simulation = ...
result = simulation.simulate()

For a full example, see the for instance the basic reflectometry example.

Export to NumPy

A simulation result can be exported to a NumPy array, using

result = simulation.simulate()
arr_x  = result.npXcenters() # centers of x bins
arr_i  = result.npArray()    # intensities
arr_di = result.npErrors()   # error estimates thereof

To save any such array, use the NumPy method

numpy.savetxt("intensity.txt", arr)

Save in various formats

Alternatively, a simulation result can be directly saved through the BornAgain Python method

import bornagain as ba
result = simulation.simulate()
ba.IOFactory.writeDatafield(result, file_name)

where file_name must have one of the extensions

  • .txt - ASCII file with 2D array [nrow][ncol], layout as in NumPy;
  • .int - BornAgain internal ASCII format;
  • .tif - 32-bits TIFF file.

To this extension, one may concatenate a second extension to enforce compression:

  • .gz or
  • .bz2


Prior to BornAgain 22, we had a class SimulationResult that inherited from Datafield.