Here we explain how to edit this documentation locally and submit changes for online publication.
This web site is generated using the static site generator Hugo. Sources are mostly writen in the MarkDown format. Hugo translates them into HTML.
To submit improvements of the documentation proceed as follows:
Install Hugo either using a package manager, or directly from upstream: Download the archive file for your platform from . This archive contains a single binary. Put it into a directory that is in your PATH.
Clone the git repository that contains the sources from which this web site is build:
git clone
Go to cloned repository and run Hugo.
$ cd BornAgain-www
$ hugo server -D
Hugo will print a line like
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
Point your web browser to that URL (most often http://localhost:1313/
You should see a local copy of the BornAgain home page.
From there you should be able to navigate through the entire BornAgain documentation.
Keep the Hugo server running while modifying documentation source files.
The documentation sources are in directory content/
They consist of Markdown files.
For example, the source of the page you are looking at right now, is
Create a feature branch to work on:
git checkout -b my_feature
where my_feature
should describe what you want to improve.
Edit any source file. Your local Hugo will then update the web site within a fraction of a second.
Whenever you made a significant change, commit it to your feature branch:
git commit
Confine work to one topic. For other topics, start new feature branches.
When one feature branch is ready for review, push it to our git server:
git push
This requires developer access, which we will grant you upon informal request.
The terminal output will contain a message like
remote: To create a merge request for test, visit:
Login to Jugit. Visit the indicated URL to open a Merge Request.