In real experiments, the $q_z$ resolution is non infinite. To take this into account in TOF simulations,
one needs to define the spread in $q$ as $dq$, set up a distribution with a given number of samples, n_samples
and define the desired sigma factor, n_sig
(e.g. the range in standard deviations to take into account
during the sample generation).
qzs = np.linspace(0.01, 1.0, scan_size) # qz-values
dq = 0.03 * qzs
n_sig = 2.0
n_samples = 25
distr = ba.RangedDistributionGaussian(n_samples, n_sig)
scan = ba.QSpecScan(qzs)
scan.setAbsoluteQResolution(distr, dq)
simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
In the snippet above, a Gaussian distribution has been used, but there are several distributions available to chose from:
RangedDistributionGate(n_samples, sigma_factor, min, max)
RangedDistributionLorentz(n_samples, hwhm_factor, min, max)
RangedDistributionGaussian(n_samples, sigma_factor, min, max)
RangedDistributionLogNormal(n_samples, sigma_factor, min, max)
RangedDistributionCosine(n_samples, sigma_factor, min, max)